[The 90’s Election Specials raw: Appalshop primary poll questions #2]

Raw footage for The 90's election specials. In this tape, voters in Kentucky are polled on who they will support in the primary election.

00:00Copy video clip URL Footage around Whitesburg, KY.

02:20Copy video clip URL Caroline Hensley says she doesn’t have a favorite and usually waits until the last minute to decide. She says President George H.W. Bush is doing okay and that she’s not influenced by the president’s appointments to the Supreme Court. She feels more money needs to be used within the U.S. instead of going to other countries. She says she is against abortion in any situation.

06:26Copy video clip URL Dalcy Arden favors Jerry Brown for his life experiences. She would like a president that has met people from a wide range of cultures and socio-economic backgrounds. She says she doesn’t put it on anyone else but that she feels abortion is killing a human being. Regarding Japan, she says that they were successful and the U.S. should take their path as an example.

09:28Copy video clip URL Voter says he guesses he favors Bush. Bridget believes in having legal qualified abortion; Brandy says abortion should be an option for anyone who doesn’t want to have a child. They both favor protectionism with Japan; Brandy feels that Japan is forgetting about World War II.

10:43Copy video clip URL Three teenagers, Chris Auxar, Sam Meade, and Ryan Bradshaw, are interviewed. Bradshaw says he favors Pat Buchanan; the others say they don’t have a favorite. Bradshaw likes Buchanan’s conservatism. He says Bush appointed Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court “just to have a colored in there.” He says the issue of abortion should be each woman’s decision. He favors protectionist trade with Japan and mentions the possibility of building a relationship with Russia.

13:43Copy video clip URL Interview with Brandy Cook and Bridget Igghart. Bridget favors Bush, citing the Gulf War and growing up with Republicans. Brandy disagrees, saying that Bush is bad for the economy.

17:59Copy video clip URL Voter says she’s undecided, but would favor Bush because he is straightforward. She’s pro-choice and thinks people should buy American.

19:48Copy video clip URL Footage ends.



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