Footage for The 90's Election Specials. Candidate Bill Clinton visits Beasley School in Chicago, which he calls a model school for the rest of the country.
00:00Copy video clip URL Black.
00:29Copy video clip URL In Izola’s Restaurant, Izola White tells videomaker Andrew Jones a story about hosting a fundraiser for incumbent Congressman Charles Hayes in her restaurant.
05:18Copy video clip URL In Bobby Rush’s campaign office. Since Rush is not there, Jones talks to a campaign worker (Bill Burke) about the a recent redistricting that affected the demographics of the district. The new districts turn out to be an asset for Bobby Rush, according to Burke. Jones questions the worker about Rush’s involvement with the Black Panthers, which Burke also sees as a “very positive thing.” Criticizing Hayes, he says, “What we need is a Congressman who is going to be aggressive and to bring resources to our district.”
15:00Copy video clip URL The tape cuts to a brief shot of a newspaper headline announcing the drive-by shooting of candidate Mel Reynolds. Then there is a brief shot in a grocery store parking lot, and then to driving in a car, where the radio reports on the Mel Reynolds event.
16:46Copy video clip URL Driving in a car, passing the Robert Taylor Homes. Then inside Beasley School, where presidential candidate Bill Clinton is about to visit, Jones chats with the principal, Ollie McLemore, attempts to ask children who they are going to vote for, and sees The 90’s correspondent Eddie Becker taping as children file by. Jones interviews the principal about changes in the economics and politics of the area, since the school is right across the street from CHA Robert Taylor Homes housing projects. Jones then talks to various people: a parent, a woman, and some of the students. He tapes two girls playing hand games.
26:10Copy video clip URL In the school library, Jones talks to a group of a girls with matching t-shirts who will be performing a modern dance; they are called “The Kids from Beasley Performing Ensemble.” Jones chats with other people around the school, and tapes signs on the walls. The press arrive and mingle.
35:30Copy video clip URL Bill Clinton arrives and shakes hands with students. Upstairs in the library, Clinton greets the crowd and the principal introduces him.
41:20Copy video clip URL Clinton addresses the crowd, wearing a Beasley School sweatshirt. He introduces local politicians Bobby Rush and Joe Gardner, praises their school, and talks about how he wants to help people go to college. His question to the students: “What is it that is special about this school?” The students answer by talking about how learning is fun, and caring teachers. One parent pushes the need for volunteers and parent involvement. They also talk about the security of the school, the dress code, and the active Local School Council. The tape cuts while the LSC members are introducing themselves.
01:02:39Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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