Raw footage for The 90's election specials. This tape features the set-up for the Clinton Super Tuesday primary election night celebration at the Palmer House Hilton hotel in Chicago.
00:00Copy video clip URL In a car with Tom Weinberg, discussing the incoming election results from the radio.
00:54Copy video clip URL With Clinton’s advanceman Tom Hart at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago as they set up for Clinton’s primary election party. The stage and podium, and other musical platforms are being constructed. Weinberg asks Hart to wear one of the camera mics as he coordinates everything.
02:38Copy video clip URL A large white sign in the shape of the United States says “Bill Clinton for President.” After this, Hart continues to organize with sound and video people. He explains to Weinberg what will happen that evening — Hillary will come in first and introduce her husband, who will then enter and give his speech — and says Clinton may play saxophone with the blues band.
06:26Copy video clip URL People prepare the logistics of the party, mostly Clinton’s entrance and path through the crowd. The timing and camera shots planned are quite complicated. Even the colors of the cloth on the podium have to be very specific to add depth when it is taped on camera.
11:18Copy video clip URL Hart examines the music to which Clinton will enter, and then continues to work out logistics for the majority of the tape. Hart gets progressively more stressed out.
49:30Copy video clip URL The large America-shaped sign has fallen off stage wall, and they work to get it hung again.
57:20Copy video clip URL After discussing Clinton’s arrival it is revealed that he will play the saxophone on stage with a blues band. This leads to an amusing “Okay where’s the saxophone?” – “Saxophone? I thought you were bringing the saxophone” moment.
59:16Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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