[The 90’s Election Specials raw: Clinton at the Hilton #2]

Raw footage for The 90's election specials. With Clinton's advanceman Tom Hart at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago as they set up for Clinton's Super Tuesday primary election party. Tom Hart wears a wireless mic that constitutes the Channel 2 audio.

00:00Copy video clip URL The tape opens as advanceman Tom Hart is speaking with the blues band about the possibility of Clinton playing saxophone to “I Feel Good” with them.

01:57Copy video clip URL An interview with Bridgette O’Keefe. The audio from the interview is completely obscured by the wireless audio on Channel 2. If you only listen to Channel 1, you can hear that 700 or 800 people will be present, and they paid around 30 dollars each.

3:20Copy video clip URL There is a debate within Clinton’s advance team over the music that is to be used during Clinton’s introduction. Some members want use the “Peter Gunn” theme, but someone objects, saying “Its too ‘Slick Willy” [a nickname given to Clinton by his critics]. “It’s too cool.”

10:19Copy video clip URL The party is opening, and the blues band has begun to play as press and attendees begin to filter in. Tom Hart has now changed into a suit.

14:32Copy video clip URL There is a shot of journalist/political commentator Cokie Roberts dancing to the music being played by the blues band.

20:56Copy video clip URL Hart argues with photographers over their positions in front of the stage. Hart does not want the photographers in the way of the video cameras.

31:54Copy video clip URL Bill and Hillary Clinton arrive at the party, met with cheers. They shake hands as they climb onto stage.

34:05Copy video clip URL Hillary Clinton introduces Bill, but her audio is obscured by the audio from the wireless mic on Ch. 2 – which is Tom Hart still arguing with photographers.

36:23Copy video clip URL Bill Clinton takes the stage. Audio from his speech is muffled and again obscured.

44:21Copy video clip URL Clinton’s speech is over and he and Hillary leave the stage, moving through the crowd. Clinton decides not to play the saxophone. The band looks a little dejected.

46:45Copy video clip URL Backstage, Hart is upset about an interview that occurred that was not supposed to take place.

50:16Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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