Raw tape for The 90's election specials. Eddie Becker and Tom Weinberg go to the Clinton Chicago campaign headquarters and tape volunteers working the phones for money.
0:00Copy video clip URL James Carville speaks briefly on the phone, then Rahm Emanuel talks on the phone.
15:20Copy video clip URL Emanuel talks with Weinberg. He talks about the amount of money the campaign has raised and the way he networks for money.
19:05Copy video clip URL George Stephanopoulos comes in and talks with Emanuel about the day’s fundraising efforts. After a brief discussion, Emanuel continues the interview and phone calls. There are only brief segments where he addresses the camera after that.
34:40Copy video clip URL Interview with fundraiser Amy Zisook. She describes the fundraising budgets in detail. “He [Clinton] has a real aura about him right now–the aura of a winner.”
39:40Copy video clip URL Tape cuts in and out and time seems to have passed. Emanuel leaves with David Wilhelm, and Becker interviews Martha Phipps, Wilhelm’s assistant. She introduces Becker to several of the people in the room. She also claims to be very impressed by Hillary Clinton, saying that she is one of the reasons she got involved with the campaign in the first place. She also describes how the staff produces such detailed schedules for the campaign–by, for example, driving every route at the same time of day the campaign will.
46:20Copy video clip URL They interview Richard Minsk, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager. Becker talks about Hillary’s impressive speech at Maine South High School.
57:50Copy video clip URL At this point, Becker covers the setup for a debate between the democratic presidential candidates – Bill Clinton, Paul Tsongas, and Jerry Brown. It is moderated by Bill Kurtis. The press is eventually prohibited from going anywhere near the debate. We hear some of it from the press room.
1:21:57Copy video clip URL Becker interviews journalists and debate guests after the debate has ended, followed by Bill Kurtis.
1:33:48Copy video clip URL James Carville weighs in on the results of the debate.
1:39:34Copy video clip URL David Wilhelm does interviews with the press promoting Clinton.
1:45:55Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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