[The 90’s Election Specials raw: Clinton Illinois victory on election night]

Layoffs of segments for The 90's election specials. Footage of the Clinton campaign on primary election night in Illinois.

00:00Copy video clip URL Black screen.

00:32Copy video clip URL Audio and video test.

01:32Copy video clip URL Tape begins “Joel does Election Day.”

01:52Copy video clip URL Clinton campaign manager David Wilhelm speaks of coalition and multiracial unity not seen in the near past, saying that the plan worked. Office footage of Wilhelm.

03:08Copy video clip URL Campaigner says that Clinton would have supported the Congressional vote to authorize the President to use force although he himself may have waited longer to use that force. The campaigner says that the worst time in a campaign is when the phone isn’t ringing.

04:06Copy video clip URL Campaigner says that it was a level playing field between Tsongas and Clinton coming into Illinois but that Tsongas’ message did not resonate with voters. The tape cuts to a Tsongas’ campaigner who says that many voters were converted and that voters do respond but that his message cannot be transmitted in 30-second sound bites.

04:46Copy video clip URL Footage of Clintons at the victory party for the Illinois primary at the Palmer House Hilton in Chicago.

05:25Copy video clip URL Wilhelm and campaign finance manager Rahm Emanuel embrace and celebrate.

05:56Copy video clip URL Footage ends.

06:42Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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