[The 90’s Election Specials raw: Clintons at the Hilton]

Raw footage for The 90's election specials. Bill and Hillary Clinton visit the Hilton Hotel in Chicago on Super Tuesday. Most of the tape is just press standing around and a blues band playing.

00:00Copy video clip URL Videomaker Skip Blumberg enters the Clinton Super Tuesday event at the Hilton in Chicago with fellow videomakers who discuss the incoming results, and then interviews blues musician Magic Slim. Other guests (including Norm Schroeder) read off the results of exit polls, and talk about the amount of delegates Clinton has received.

05:35Copy video clip URL The blues musician plays on stage. Footage of the press as the band plays.

11:35Copy video clip URL The Clintons arrive onstage in a sea of people. Blumberg shoots from rather far away.

13:37Copy video clip URL Hillary Clinton gives a fantastic speech which is better captured on Eddie Becker’s footage of the event (tape # 10467). “We believe passionately in this country.”

16:30Copy video clip URL Bill Clinton gives his own speech: “It is only tonight that I fully understand why they call this ‘Super Tuesday’.” “This election is a choice between more of the ’80s and something new in the ’90s.” “No more something for nothing in the 1990s! More opportunity and more responsibility!” “There is no ‘them’ in America, there is only ‘us.'”

26:30Copy video clip URL Clinton’s speech is over, and the band resumes playing. Blumberg shoots people milling around, and the musicians.

31:08Copy video clip URL Blumberg interviews Bobby Rush about his views on Clinton and his own race for Congress. He supports Clinton one hundred percent, and believes that he will be good for African Americans. “We can’t afford 4 more years.” However, he would like Jesse Jackson to be president.

34:53Copy video clip URL Footage of a Bobby Rush U.S. Congress button, and Blumberg talks to another woman leaving the event, who was convinced by Clinton when she visited Arkansas. Outside on the street, a man is wearing shorts even though there’s snow.

37:32Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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