Footage for The 90's election specials. President H.W. Bush footage (including the vomiting incident in Japan) and footage of Pat Buchanan. From CNN.
00:00Copy video clip URL Black screen.
00:13Copy video clip URL Press room before Buchanan arrives. Buchanan speaks against foreign aid and the International Monetary Fund, calling it global socialism. Footage of extensive motorcade.
03:21Copy video clip URL Footage from Bush’s vomit incident in Japan.
06:06Copy video clip URL George and Barbara Bush arrive on a plane and do a photo op.
07:21Copy video clip URL Bush is introduced to speak in Philadelphia and compliments the mayor.
09:08Copy video clip URL News footage of Clarence Thomas speaking before the committee refuting Anita Hill’s allegations.
11:39Copy video clip URL Piece on an avid fisher and artist of fish paintings, Mark Susinno.
14:15Copy video clip URL Piece on Dwight Stansel, who runs several tennis courts in a rough neighborhood in Washington D.C.
17:16Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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