[The 90’s Election Specials raw: Cuomo tent #2]

Raw footage for The 90's Election Specials. Interviews with Cuomo supporters at a Chicago event, mostly people running to be delegates for Cuomo in Illinois. Mario Cuomo (1932-), then Governor of New York, is not an official presidential candidate, but these people support him nonetheless.

00:00Copy video clip URL Static.

00:12Copy video clip URL The tape opens in the middle of a man introducing John Walsh at Cuomo event in Chicago. There is a small tent under which a few Cuomo supporters have gathered. Walsh gives videomaker Eve Saxon instructions to vote “Uncommitted.” A woman conducts a raffle drawing, and a man explains how voting uncommitted works.

05:41Copy video clip URL Cal Sutker, a candidate for delegacy, gives an interview to Saxon about campaigning for Cuomo. He has faith in Cuomo even though Cuomo is not an official candidate.

10:00Copy video clip URL Interview with Dominic DiFrisco, the president of the joint civic committee for Italian-Americans, who says many of the same things as Sutker.

12:16Copy video clip URL Saxon watches Walsh hand out cards. He explains how to vote for the delegates, since getting delegates is their goal in the primary.

15:09Copy video clip URL Jim Parker talks about Cuomo’s obligation to the state of New York, and then about the delegates and the need for another candidate to compete against Bush.

23:05Copy video clip URL Barbara Pinozo, running as a delegate, advocates for Cuomo. Verna Bohn, also a potential delegate, says more of the same.

28:10Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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