[The 90’s Election Specials raw: Dick Simpson #2]

Raw footage for The 90's election specials. This tape follows UIC political science professor and former Chicago Alderman, Dick Simpson, who is running for a seat in the House of Representatives against Dan Rostenkowski.

00:00Copy video clip URL Static.

00:11Copy video clip URL Simpson hands out flyers and shakes hands outside of a grocery store.

10:55  Interview with Simpson while riding in a car. He discusses his opponent, and his campaign. Videomaker Joel Cohen questions him about his television ad, as Simpson seems more comfortable in person than he does in his commercial.  Simpson emphasizes the necessity of experience in working with government, from the perspective of someone who studies political science. He also talks a bit about the presidential election, and the Illinois senate race.

28:52Copy video clip URL Simpson enters a building and chats with various people, mainly minority groups.

40:32Copy video clip URL Simpson gives a speech to and takes questions from a group of Asian-Americans. He speaks about his devotion to the Asian American community, and Rostenkowski’s neglect of this sector. A woman asks about compensation for Asian countries who have provided aid in the past. (Another question is unintelligible to hear over clinking of silverware.) Simpson advocates a pro-choice stance on abortion. Simpson talks at length to a man interested in the rights of senior citizens.

52:11Copy video clip URL A huge Rostenkowski banner on the side of a building, and then footage shot from a car of houses with Rosktenkowski signs displayed. No sound for this segment.

53:49Copy video clip URL A brief meeting with a group of unidentified people, all seniors, in someone’s home. Simpson talks to them about the state of the district and the economy.

01:03:11Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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