Raw footage shot for The 90's election specials. This tape documents the Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden, focusing on the American Samoan and Guam delegations.
00:00Copy video clip URL Black screen. Footage of the crowd at Madison Square Garden alternates with blank footage.
02:00Copy video clip URL Jerry Brown supporters continue demonstrating. One of their whips tries unsuccessfully to quiet them. Sister Langkilde says that her favorite part of the Convention so far was the speech by Mayor David Dinkins. Candidates vote on the platform. The Langkildes are guided in their vote.
05:15Copy video clip URL Daniel Langkilde is interviewed. His responses are edited out.
06:49Copy video clip URL A large number of signs defending the right to choose.
07:33Copy video clip URL Aretha Franklin sings the national anthem. Her ending is protracted and emotional.
13:58Copy video clip URL The Samoan delegates explore New York. They take the subway and Daniel gets hot dogs.
16:13Copy video clip URL Spectacular street gymnasts perform. The Samoans see the Statue of Liberty. Footage from the stairs and the crown of the statue.
19:27Copy video clip URL Footage from Madison Square Garden.
22:03Copy video clip URL Joan Jett Black, “the only drag queen presidential candidate,” celebrates at the convention and says that he is the only candidate ready to tackle the issues.
26:51Copy video clip URL Mario Cuomo speaks in nomination of Bill Clinton. The crowds are enthusiastic. The Samoan delegation seems mostly bored by the conclusion.
32:20Copy video clip URL Clinton comes within 45 votes of the nomination. “We’re going over the top!” The crowd celebrates and chants “We want Bill!”
34:24Copy video clip URL The American Samoan delegation casts its votes, “five, big Samoan votes for the man from Hope.”
36:47Copy video clip URL A cab driver says that the convention will be good for business, which is almost dead. A vision-impaired woman sings in the entrance of Bloomingdale’s.
39:30Copy video clip URL People hold a demonstration against military aid to El Salvador. A number link arms and lie down in the intersection. Eventually they are arrested.
44:05Copy video clip URL Back in the Garden, videomaker Skip Blumberg delivers a gift to the Samoans. The delegation is interviewed by a reporter. Sister Langkilde says she has enjoyed New York and visiting Tompkins Square Park but that the convention hasn’t really done it for her.
48:22Copy video clip URL Brief interview with Elizabeth Holtzman. Wheelchair-bound convention goers navigate the crowds and pose with a senator.
51:39Copy video clip URL Clinton is nominated by acclamation.
54:04Copy video clip URL Black screen.
55:31Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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