[The 90’s Election Specials raw: DNC Wednesday #3]

Raw footage for The 90's election specials. 1992 Democratic National Convention, Wednesday #3 in New York. On the third day of the convention, John Hart and the Governor Bill Clinton staff try to control where the clinching votes will come from. Clinton is put over the top by Ohio. His staff and supporters celebrate.

00:00Copy video clip URL Footage from the Clinton trailer. Hart and staff try to influence which state will put Clinton over the top.

05:13Copy video clip URL They make calls from the trailer to the chairs, telling them to speed up the process of speeches so that Clinton is on prime time.

14:00Copy video clip URL They cheer in the trailer at the news. Hart says that Ohio will put Clinton over the top the first time around. They give word to start passing out signs.

18:15Copy video clip URL They shout in the trailer to stop the demonstration, seemingly an early celebration for Clinton. They call into the DNC saying that they should not show Clinton on the video wall until he’s received the winning number of votes.

20:39Copy video clip URL Clinton is shown on the news as the trailer celebrates. A staffer comments that he is crying.

21:55Copy video clip URL Hart tells the trailer that Clinton will come in once he has reached 2,000 votes but that they are not “getting the word out.” Everyone in the trailer gathers to watch the TV.

24:35Copy video clip URL They announce through the phones that Clinton is coming to Madison Square Garden.

25:30Copy video clip URL Ohio gives its vote and the Clinton staff celebrates in the trailer as Clinton receives a winning number of votes.

28:55Copy video clip URL Everyone moves out to the floor to celebrate. Audio levels are low. Hart, David Wilhelm, and others are present.

40:43Copy video clip URL Bill and Hillary Clinton appear.

44:49Copy video clip URL David Wilhelm and other members of the Clinton staff congregate outside the trailer. John makes a statement to the group; they chant “Let John speak!” Wilhelm addresses the crowd, saying they’ve been through a lot together and the only day that will compete with winning the nomination is the day of the general election. Rahm Emanuel is present. The group mingles and celebrates.

62:20Copy video clip URL Footage ends.



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