[The 90’s election specials raw: end of St. Louis debate, Halloween, election day]

Raw tape for The 90's election specials. This tape features footage of the press hall after the presidential debate between President George H.W. Bush, Governor Bill Clinton, and H. Ross Perot in St. Louis; Halloween; and election day with Wavy Gravy.

0:00Copy video clip URL 10/11/92. In the hall with the press after the first presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis.

01:44Copy video clip URL Woman from Bush’s campaign describes Bush’s performance as credible, Perot’s as surprisingly good, and Clinton’s as third-place. She gives videomaker Scott Jacobs a pamphlet that proclaims “Nearly everyone will lie to you given the right circumstances.”

05:55Copy video clip URL A man dressed as President Bush travels the streets with a large “secret service” entourage. It seems to be Halloween, and videomaker Eddie Becker seems to be near a college campus; there are hoards of young people in costume. The “president” answers some questions while his guards offer convincing protection.

11:08Copy video clip URL Young man with large paper ears imitates Ross Perot.

16:14Copy video clip URL A pair dressed up as Nixon and Reagan give their take on the election. “Nixon” says he’ll vote for Ross Perot because he’s okay with any candidate that would wiretap his own family.

17:10Copy video clip URL A group of young African Americans explain their shirts, which read “Cop Killer.” Young man expresses their anger over unequal treatment by police. Shortly after, he debates two officers on the street who contest the necessity of the shirts.

21:00Copy video clip URL On election day there is a concert on the National Mall. Hippies dance while business-people look on. There is a man dressed as Uncle Sam on very tall stilts.

31:00Copy video clip URL Counter-cultural figure Wavy Gravy briefly talks to Becker, saying it’s sad that “The 90s” has finished. He says that it was one of the best shows on TV.

37:20Copy video clip URL Wavy Gravy takes the stage and promotes his “Nobody for President” campaign. (“Nobody’s Perfect, Nobody Keeps All Promises, Nobody Should Have That Much Power.”) He shouts to George Bush that it is moving day. Afterwards, Becker wanders off to other parts of the lawn and talks to people who have set up information stands on various topics.

44:50Copy video clip URL Becker speaks with a woman who says that weapons of mass destruction need to be destroyed. She says the money must go to human needs and that people lack conscience.

46:00Copy video clip URL A woman paints a peace pole. She says that she’s with the Nobody For President campaign and urging people to vote. She says she has not voted because she did not know how to register; she says that high schools should teach young people how to vote.

53:17Copy video clip URL Jacobs interviews an elderly local. He says that despite the election it is an ordinary day. He says the music is a protest for legalizing drugs. He says he against it because he worries about the violence that can result from drug use.

59:11Copy video clip URL Wavy Gravy talks about his history traveling during election years. He says that there is “a possibility of a possibility of a glimmer of hope.” He says he encourages people to “Smoke Bush and eat Quayle” and vote for Hillary’s husband in order to “evict George.”

1:02:10Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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