Raw tape for The 90's election specials. Videomakers Diane Abt and Steve Golden visit a polling place to document the exit polling process and talk to voters about their experiences voting and being polled.
00:00Copy video clip URL Exterior of a polling place, with signs for politicians lining the sidewalk. Lots of wind noise. The camera walks down the sidewalk toward the polling place, a school, and watches the doors as people walk in and out.
03:29Copy video clip URL Inside the polling place, volunteers sit at a table and assist voters in what appears to be a large gymnasium.
06:39Copy video clip URL Back outside again, the cameraman tests his daylight filter.
07:31Copy video clip URL Inside another polling place, Abt and Golden meet an exit poller who approaches people who have just voted and asks them to fill out questionnaires.
12:05Copy video clip URL Abt interviews a woman who just filled out an exit poll, and voted for Paul Tsongas because of his health care plan. Another man also voted for Tsongas, although he has reservations about all the candidates. A woman voted for Bush because of his “philosophy.”
21:45Copy video clip URL The woman taking exit polls goes through some of the questions on the poll, which include asking if the voter supported the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court confirmation. She explains that some people get upset by the questions, such as questions about income and opinions about minorities.
26:56Copy video clip URL An older man voted for Tsongas “as a protest against Mr. Clinton,” whom he does not trust. However, he doesn’t think Tsongas will win, and goes on to talk about how the candidates will deal with various political issues. He voted for Carol Moseley Braun, as well.
32:13Copy video clip URL The woman also totals up how many people refused her poll, and calls these results in to a center.
49:13Copy video clip URL The exterior of the polling place, the Temple Shalom Center.
51:34Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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