[The 90’s Election Specials raw: George H.W. Bush Chicago fundraising dinner]

Raw footage for The 90's election specials. Tom Weinberg interviews attendees at a George H.W. Bush fundraising dinner in Chicago.

00:00Copy video clip URL Outside the dinner, demonstrators chant and hold signs calling for democracy in Haiti.

00:35Copy video clip URL Charles, a loyal Republican, says the $1000 dinner is worth it for a good cause.

01:07Copy video clip URL Charles: “Bush all the way. He’s got no competition.” Charles calls Clinton a farce and introduces his date.

03:29Copy video clip URL Tom interviews Mr. Stone, a man entering his nineties and a “major supporter” of the Republican Party. Stone voices confidence in Bush as a good man and an experienced leader whose philosophy “more or less coincides with that of many good Republicans.” Stone expresses confidence that everything will work out for the Republicans, saying “there’s always a way to making it work out.” He says he does not know much about Clinton. Stone and other proceed to mingle.

08:23Copy video clip URL Footage of a musical performance.

10:13Copy video clip URL A fragment of the national anthem is captured.

10:45Copy video clip URL Footage ends.



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