[The 90s Election Specials raw: Gus Savage Rally #2]

Footage for The 90's Election Specials. This tape features a continuation of footage of the "Truth Rally" for incumbent Congressman Gus Savage, running for reelection against Mel Reynolds (who ultimately defeats Savage). The rally takes place in the Third Baptist Church on Chicago's South Side, where Gus Savage eventually makes a scathing speech against Mel Reynolds.

00:00Copy video clip URL A man onstage leads the crowd in singing songs such as “Amazing Grace,” as they cheer, clap and wave Gus Savage signs.

04:00Copy video clip URL Justice R. Eugene Pincham goes onstage to endorse Gus Savage and to express doubts over Mel Reynolds’ reports of death threats. He deconstructs, point by point, Reynolds’ description of a supposed drive-by shooting.

17:19Copy video clip URL Reverend Willie Barrow briefly endorses Gus Savage and Carol Moseley Braun, and invites women to an Operation PUSH rally: “We are for Gus because Gus is for us. Gus is a must so make a big fuss.”

20:55Copy video clip URL The tape cuts and a man gets up to speak about why he supports Gus Savage. He believes that Savage’s experience makes him the most qualified candidate. “Gus Savage is the master of history, and only Gus will determine his soul.”

26:50Copy video clip URL A man leads the audience in “Glory, Glory, Hallelujah” as Savage prepares to speak.

28:50Copy video clip URL Gus Savage takes the stage, and recounts a story about having saved two women’s lives. “My opponent [Mel Reynolds] has never sacrificed anything other than to help himself.” He then goes on to talk about how “wealthy racist Jews and white Republicans” are funding Mel Reynolds’ campaign. He says that Reynolds is lying about his Masters and law degrees.

39:30Copy video clip URL Savage continues to speak, talking about specific issues with banks and bounced checks at length. He shows a bounced check signed by Mel Reynolds for $25,000. Savage gives examples of the media’s distortion of the race. He accuses the media of not asking “non-trivial questions.” His speech is frequently interrupted by cheers from the audience.

58:40Copy video clip URL Videomaker Andrew Jones gets a shot of the photocopy of Mel Reynolds’ bounced check, made out to the US Post Master on February 1st, as Savage continues to promote himself and harshly criticize his opponent.

01:02:20Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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