Footage for The 90's Election Specials. Continuation of incumbent Congressman Gus Savage's "Truth Rally," which takes place at the Third Baptist Church on Chicago's South Side. He is running for reelection against Mel Reynolds, who ultimately defeats him. Savage gives a very antisemitic speech.
00:00Copy video clip URL Gus Savage’s Truth Rally for reelection continues, a woman onstage praises Savage’s honesty and representation of black Americans as the crowd cheers.
03:34Copy video clip URL Tape cuts, a recorded endorsement for Gus Savage is played (but it is not clear who is speaking). “Gus Savage was instrumental in this program… to me, Gus has always been fair… he is responsible for bringing home millions of dollars… and making sure everyone has a say in our government.”
06:08Copy video clip URL Another man onstage addresses allegations that Gus Savage is antisemitic. Mel Reynolds “can only represent the interests against Gus Savage, not for anything.”
13:58Copy video clip URL Tape cuts, Gus Savage is back onstage, yelling about “racist wealthy Jews.” Savage looks for white press at the rally, and walks over to ask them questions. He wants them to confront Mel Reynolds in the newspaper. “My real opponent is the [Chicago] Tribune and the [Chicago] Sun-Times.” He condemns their political editors, saying that they “are letting their religion get in the way of their objectivity.”
24:18Copy video clip URL Savage brings out documents and talks about Jewish contributors to Reynolds’ campaign. He continues to talk about U.S. foreign relations with Israel. He criticizes using taxes to support Israelis but not Africans.
39:11Copy video clip URL Tape cuts briefly, Savage talks about divisions in society and the need for black unity.
46:30Copy video clip URL Savage says he is already a delegate to the Democratic National Convention, and talks about the importance of electing either Clinton or Tsongas as president, because Bush (and other Republicans) don’t respect blacks. He wants to organize a “Black Democratic Convention.” He then asks the audience to spread the word about electing him. “I do it for conviction, not for office. But you gotta do your part… Those racist misleading Jews aren’t going to give you the money, white Republicans aren’t going to give you money.”
54:21Copy video clip URL Tape cuts, Savage promotes the Nation of Islam: “There is more secure place, you will find no more trustworthy friend, you will find no more loyal supporter than the Nation of Islam and Minister Louis Farrakhan.”
56:24Copy video clip URL Tape cuts, videomaker Andrew Jones interviews a woman after the rally has ended. She says Savage has done a lot for the community. Jones watches people rapping onstage for Savage. “Give it up for the best of Chicago… We must keep Gus fighting for us.” Savage shakes people’s hands.
01:00:00Copy video clip URL Jones tries to ask Savage a question about black politics in Chicago being important in the rest of the country, but Savage can’t hear him because of the rappers.
01:02:22Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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