[The 90’s Election Specials raw: Kansas City debate prep, St. Louis debate]

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Raw footage for The 90's election special. Skip Blumberg covers the leadup to the first Presidential debate in St. Louis, MO. The tape begins in Kansas City with the Clinton team leaving the city where they had held their debate prep. Then there is footage of the Clinton support party at the St. Louis airport, then the debate hall at Washington University the next day. Much of the tape is just Blumberg traveling with the press.

0:00 The Clintons walk to their plane to leave Kansas City, surrounded by cameras. The noise from the plane is so loud that it is hard to hear anything.

3:20 On an airplane with members of the press.

8:20 People get off the official Clinton/Gore plane, including George Stephanopoulos, James Carville, Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton.

14:18 The Clintons and key staff (plus Henry Winkler!) stand on a platform under a model of the St. Louis arch and a giant hot air balloon stating “Meet me in St. Louis.” Blumberg shoots a Channel 2 reporter attempting to do his report over the cheers of the crowd and his resulting anger. A group of Bush supporters apparently infiltrated the group and attempt to drown out the Clinton-related speeches with chants of “Four more years!” (They also hold up signs picturing a young hippy-ish looking Clinton with allusions to his ties to Communism.) Blumberg confronts the Bush supporters, rebuking them for their hatred.

26:15 Back on the press bus.

27:09 Interview with Henry Winkler, who talks with Blumberg about episodes of The 90’s he has seen and enjoyed.

29:00 The next day. Blumberg mills around the debate hall at Washington University trying to gain access to restricted areas and talking with reporters.

57:00 The press interviews White House press secretary Marlin Fitzwater, who lists reasons for opposing Clinton and possible tactics in the debate. Other key people are interviewed about their predictions for the debate.



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