Raw footage for The 90's election specials. Niki Tsongas, wife of Senator Paul Tsongas, on "The Kathy and Judy Show" on WGN radio talking about her husband's campaign. Kathy and Judy ask typical campaign issue questions ("Why should we vote for your husband?").
00:00Copy video clip URL Tape of a hotel room, and the camera records clips of the debate off the television. Jerry Brown accuses Clinton of unethical behavior, and Tsongas talks economics.
02:15Copy video clip URL An exterior shot of the Tribune Tower, which has a flag flying on top. Inside WGN, talkative Kathy O’Malley and Judy Markey prepare for the half hour interview with Niki Tsongas that they are about to broadcast. The three women sit in front of tables of equipment and microphones in the radio station. On air, Kathy and Judy are curious about her busy schedule, and her husband’s experience with television.
09:52Copy video clip URL The tape cuts, and they go back on the air, discussing Tsongas’ children and other typical campaign questions. When off air, Kathy and Judy ask Tsongas: “Do you wear panties with panty hose?” They go back on air to ask about Niki’s job and her husband’s health.
22:32Copy video clip URL Off the air again, more personal questions such as “Do you hate flying?” Then back on the air for more questions, Niki talks about the legislative experience of her husband.
29:30Copy video clip URL Niki Tsongas exits, and Kathy and Judy speak well of Tsongas after she leaves.
32:03Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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