[The 90’s Election Specials raw: poll questions in Los Angeles #1]

Raw footage for The 90's election specials. At Revolution book store in Los Angeles, people are asked about who they would like to win the 1992 presidential election and what issues are important to them.

00:00Copy video clip URL Bars and tone.

00:29Copy video clip URL Gail Stevenson describes President George H.W. Bush in one word as a liar. She says abortion is a more important issue than military spending and the economy because abortion will indicate whether the country is moving forward or backwards in women’s issues as a whole. She says she supports none of the candidates but would write-in Hillary Clinton; she and other women’s groups support the New Party as a third party. She feels that Bush espouses support for women’s rights but that it is superficial. She says politics and the media involve a lot of lying.

04:46Copy video clip URL Topey Schwarzenbach sums up President Bush as “nothing.” He thinks that Bush is hypocritical and one in a line of presidents that lack responsibility and direction. He gives the economy as the most important issue because he sees the populace as sluggish, worried, and chaotic. He sees economic difficulties as being degenerative towards building. He says that he is undecided. For the first time since Eisenhower, he claims, there is no one candidate that he can support. He says that all the candidates are promising the same checklist of deliveries but that none are believable.

09:35Copy video clip URL Michelle Mansfield’s one word for George Bush is “distrust.” She says he only makes superficial appeals to the masses. She says the economy, defense spending, and abortion are not separate. The right to choose is important to her personally but the economy is important to the people’s needs. She says that George Bush has an oppressive attitude towards women and that his vision of family values does not speak to her. She says she has no strong preference towards any of the candidates, but she is grabbed by Jerry Brown’s message of a corrupt system. She says she has to pay attention to the other candidates because Brown lacks electability. She mentions Senator Paul Tsongas as a second. She says a part of her involvement, despite disappointment, is recognizing that she’s better off than many.

15:57Copy video clip URL Martin Miller uses “chameleon” to describe George Bush because he would do anything to get reelected. He thinks the economy is the most important issue because it affects the most people. He does not think that Bush is responsible for the state of the economy. He does not have a favorite candidate.

17:45Copy video clip URL Robert Herrman says that Bush has “bushwacked” the country by lying and representing a small elite. He says he supports no candidates and thinks that campaign spending needs to be limited. He says the issues are all important, as well as national healthcare. He says the only two countries without national healthcare are the United States and South Africa.

19:51Copy video clip URL Young boy talks about a story about George Washington. He says that George Bush should run again and that Bush was a good president but he doesn’t know why. Asked about his favorite thing that George Bush said, he hesitates before saying “I give up. What?” He says he doesn’t know any other candidates names.

21:00Copy video clip URL Herrman and woman joke that Governor Bill Clinton should be required to fertilize the nation–to sleep with every woman in the nation. She says that candidates should not be judged on personal affairs.

23:00Copy video clip URL Sheila Stone uses “continuing national disaster” to describe Bush. She says there were no plans for the shift of the middle class away from an industrial one. She points to a widening chasm between the upper and lower classes, citing New Hampshire and the industrial Northeast as a microcosm. She says it is not possible for any one of the Democrats to do worse than Bush. She says people have been slow to realize this because they do not want to see the end of the American dream; she also blames the media for this. She agrees that Bush lives in a fantasy away from daily struggles. She feels Bush and his predecessors focused on the power of media but that the power of media fails once people’s daily struggles mount. She says the economy, military spending, and abortion are equally important and calls the debate on abortion a smoke screen for the far right.

30:21Copy video clip URL Footage ends.



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