Footage for The 90's Election Specials. Videomaker Andrew Jones goes in and around the Robins Center building at the University of Richmond in Virginia, where the presidential debate will be taking place later that night.
00:00Copy video clip URL The tape opens with a very brief shot of two young girls playing before the tape cuts.
00:17Copy video clip URL The tape cuts, and a woman gives Jones directions to the main debate hall in Richmond, Virginia. Jones, himself from Richmond, talks to some security guards.
01:52Copy video clip URL Jones goes into the debate hall and shoots the stage and chairs being set up. Workers test mics and put tape down on the stage area. Jones wanders around and talks to various workers. One cameraman, Max Schindler, is a big fan of The 90’s.
11:48Copy video clip URL Interview with a cameraman from NBC, who shows Jones his camera and says he will be shooting Bush for the event. Jones is fascinated with the idea that everyone across the country will see one man’s shot.
17:42Copy video clip URL Back to wandering around, Jones talks to someone organizing the cameras, who explains that this debate is unique because the candidates will be able to walk through the audience freely.
31:02Copy video clip URL Jones interviews the executive producer, Ed Fouhy, about the live show. “The stars of this show are the candidates, nobody else.” “People should have an opportunity to question the candidates. This is a real remarkable historical breakthrough.” He explains that uncommitted voters will be asking the questions.
33:15Copy video clip URL Shots of the Secret Service, and then some trophies. The Secret Service needs to sweep the building, so everyone leaves the building for the rest of the tape.
34:49Copy video clip URL Now outside, Jones talks to a man who says this is the most exciting thing that has happened since he’s been working for the university. Jones tapes a woman being interviewed by a TV crew about the format of the debate.
40:00Copy video clip URL Jones interviews the woman, Marthina Cowart, himself. She works for the Commission on Presidential Debates. “It’s absolutely unique.” She says that the debate will be very important, though it is up against the World Series on TV.
42:18Copy video clip URL Exterior shots of the Robins Center, where the debate will take place. He talks to a correspondent from ABC briefly, and tapes the interior of a press van.
44:54Copy video clip URL Flowers being delivered, a dog on a leash, and other various shots of the exterior.
47:56Copy video clip URL Interview with Hays Kirby, a Perot supporter. “Perot speaks from the heart and he talks about things he believes in.” He describes Perot as having had a “lifetime of leadership.”
51:38Copy video clip URL More people hanging around outside, and a group of women from Richmond. The tape finishes while watching crew members having lunch.
01:02:29Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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