[The 90s Election Specials raw: RNC #4]

Raw footage for "The 90's." Videomaker Bob Hercules and interviewer / onscreen personality Stoney Burke attend the Republican National Convention in 1992. Neil Bush, Pat Robertson, and Ronald Reagan appear on the tape.

00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with a shot of a large group of rowdy Republicans surrounding rock singer Ted Nugent. Nugent was filming a spot for MTV News. Hercules then follows Nugent out onto the floor of the convention.

01:21Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of Burke on the convention floor. Burke begins to criticize President Bush. “His guts, his experience, his Chicken Little attitude about killing half a million people in the Persian Gulf and not even mention it as an issue in the campaign–a man he built up, Hussein I’m talking about, to be our enemy that we had to go kill so George Bush could be here asking you for your vote again. Isn’t this sweet. Twelve years later, I’m still broke, you’re still watching TV, because you can’t go no place because you’re broke.” Burke then begins to refer to Bush supporters as maggots. One supporter hears Burke referring to him as a maggot and gives a look of disapproval. Burke then speaks with an alternate delegate named Lyman Whitehead. Bukre asks him for his vision of America. Whitehead responds, “That’s what America is all about: It knows no color, it’s a great melting pot of freedom, freedom from religion. You got a choice.” Whitehead then criticizes Clinton for his economic policies.

04:07Copy video clip URL Burke tries to speak with a man at the convention. However, the man refuses.

04:55Copy video clip URL Burke walks up to George W. Bush and shakes his hand. Bush is seated at the Presidential booth at the convention next to his wife, Laura, and his mother, Barbara. Burke goes on to comment, “How many hours and how many dollars do these people spend on the hot air of b.s. while people in the streets of Houston, Detroit, San Francisco, Chicago, wherever, are lying in the streets homeless?”

06:40Copy video clip URL Burke speaks with a presumably well known man about his views on the election. He states that if Bush were to lose, it would be because of the poor economy.

07:54Copy video clip URL Burke tries to get an interview with a member of Congress on the floor. John McCain can be seen in the background speaking with those at the rally. The Congressman talks about throwing Saddam Hussein out of power. “His days are numbered. You know, win or lose, if President Bush goes into retirement or gets his second term, Saddam Hussein is someday going to be a dead man. We’re going to pick up the paper and some courageous officer of his is going to finish this guy off.” The Congressman also says that he wishes the ground war would have lasted one more day. After their conversation, Burke makes fun of the Congressman’s statements. The audio breaks up a bit.

10:12Copy video clip URL Burke desperately tries to get Charleston Heston’s attention as he greets Neil Bush and Laura Bush. John McCain and George W. Bush can be seen conversing with one another as Burke tries to interview Neil Bush. Burke asks Neil Bush to “give the money back.” Bush immediately walks away. Hercules then gathers more footage of Heston.

12:40Copy video clip URL Burke speaks with a few young Republicans about being the “Republican youth.” The emphatic Bush supporters become very excited and begin a Bush/Quayle ’92 chant. Burke comments, “Oh, the Nazis are on a roll, aren’t they?” Burke then goes on to ask two African-American college students about their reasons for being Republican, affirmative action, and their families, one of which is Democratic. Burke then goes on to interview John Hager about his involvement in the campaign.

16:03Copy video clip URL Cut to a few close up shots of Barbara, Laura, and George W. Bush. Burke tries to get get Barbara Bush’s attention, but ultimately fails as a reporter in front of him gets to her first.

18:12Copy video clip URL Hercules gets a close up shot of Charleston Heston. Hercules continues to gather footage of Barbara Bush. Burke jokes about her outfit and refers to it as a “post-Goodwill look.”

20:45Copy video clip URL Hercules gathers wide angle shots of the entire convention hall.

21:22Copy video clip URL Burke continues to ask random attendees’ opinions on the RNC. Pat Buchanan addresses the crowd, but audio is rather poor. A number of other speakers take the podium and address the crowd. A woman introduces Senator Paul Laxalt, who gives a rousing introduction for Ronald Reagan.

27:07Copy video clip URL The crowd goes wild as Reagan takes the podium. He patiently waits for the audience to settle down which does not happen for several minutes. They even begin to chant “Reagan ’96.” Burke comments, “How cynical.”

30:24Copy video clip URL Reagan thanks the audience for their friendship and begins to address the crowd, exuding charisma the entire way through. “Tonight is a very special night for me, of course at my age, every night’s a special night.” As Reagan goes on, Burke tries to give Reagan the Nazi salute and is scolded by someone in the audience.

32:50Copy video clip URL We watch as Burke looks toward Reagan on the stage. The audio is quite poor during this section of the tape. Burke then comments that Reagan retired to “666 Cloud Street.”

34:22Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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