[The 90’s Election Specials raw: RNC #9]

Raw footage of the 1992 Republican National Convention for The 90's election specials. Inside the convention hall. Maria Shriver, George W. Bush, Ted Koppel, George H.W. Bush, and Barbara Bush all appear on the tape.

00:00Copy video clip URL This tape begins with footage of an interview with TV broadcaster Ted Koppel. Onscreen commentator Stoney Burke speaks with Koppel about his thoughts on political conventions and the possible outcome of the election. The audio is extremely poor.

01:12Copy video clip URL Cut to footage from the souvenir area at the Republican National Convention. Burke comments, “Here we are in the Astro Arena with all of the souvenirs and of course, in America, there’s always a lot of souvenirs when you live in a trash culture…” Burke comments on various pieces of memorabilia for sale. Videomaker Bob Hercules gets a shot of Burke in between two life size cardboard cut outs of George and Barbara Bush.

03:53Copy video clip URL Burke waves hello to a cardboard Dan Quayle waving at him from behind a car door. Burke comments, “This is the closest a lot of people are going to get to Danny Quayle in the next four years if he gets reelected.” Footage of a section of the area called the “Bob Dole Prostate Cancer Detection Unit.” A large poster of Bob Dole stands next to a large sign that reads: “Free Prostate Test.”

05:30Copy video clip URL Burke speaks with a souvenir seller about selling patriotic hats at the convention. His most popular item is a sparkling flag hat. The audio is extremely poor. One of the sellers says that they imported the hats from India, which Burke finds to be ironic.

08:18Copy video clip URL Burke holds up a copy of “Millie’s Book,” a dog’s eye perspective on what’s going on in the Bush White House. He comments on the book’s absurdity. Burke also speaks with the woman selling the book. The audio remains extremely poor.

10:52Copy video clip URL Cut to Burke back out on the convention floor on the last night of the RNC. The audio is very poor but eventually cuts back in. However, the levels remain extremely low. Burke speaks with a few Republican supporters about their experience at the RNC. Burke interviews a man who he believes to be one of Dan Quayle’s children about his views on the Republican Party. The audio during the interview is extremely poor. He says that he is a pro-choice Republican. However, towards the end of the interview, the man states that he isn’t related to Dan Quayle.

17:23Copy video clip URL Burke comments on the “fake interview” that had just taken place. Burke tries to speak with Maria Shriver and George W. Bush.

18:44Copy video clip URL In a funny moment, Barbara Bush walks over towards her son George W. Bush and puts rabbit ears on his head during his interview with Shriver. The tape then cuts to footage from the floor as a video presentation plays on the big screens.

20:06Copy video clip URL Cut to President Bush’s speech. Hercules and Burke are relatively close to the stage as Bush talks about the stark differences between himself and Bill Clinton. The audio cuts in and out throughout the speech. Bush goes on to address the end of the Cold War, the spread of Democracy, and military strength. Hercules gathers footage from around the convention as Bush addresses the enthusiastic crowd. “Who do you trust in this election? The candidate who’s raised taxes one time and regrets it, or the other candidate who raised taxes and fees 128 times and enjoyed it every time?”

31:50Copy video clip URL After Bush’s speech, a large bundle of balloons fall from the top of the Astrodome. Burke comments on the RNC and the many many Republican supporters in attendance. “These people have no feeling. They have no soul. They really see things as we saw when we were six years old.”

37:57Copy video clip URL As people begin to make their way out of the convention, Burke smiles and waves at those who pass him by.

40:27Copy video clip URL Burke interviews a Czech man named Tomas about his perception of the convention. The audio is extremely poor and cuts in and out for the remainder of the interview.

47:36Copy video clip URL Outside of the convention, two reporters film a spot for a news program. One of the reporters is standing on top of some type of camera case to appear taller on camera.

48:37Copy video clip URL Tape ends.



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