[The 90s Election Specials raw: RNC and NARAL]

Raw footage from The 90's Election Specials. This tape features footage from the 1992 Republican National Convention; a NARAL Rally; an interview with Treach, from the band Naughty By Nature, who was reporting for MTV; and an interview with a Ghanian journalist.

00:00Copy video clip URL A line of policemen on police horses.

01:40Copy video clip URL A rally for NARAL (National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League), a pro-choice activist organization. Music plays as people sit and listen on a lawn. The band warms up, and women mingle.

05:41Copy video clip URL ACLU “neutral” observers are interviewed briefly, but they are too neutral. Back to watching pro-choice activists, who carry creative signs. Two large signs on a truck say, “Uphold Family Values, Jail Neil Bush.”

10:17Copy video clip URL A woman describes her experience with WAC (Women’s Action Coalition) as very empowering. She cites various impacts that WAC has made. The truck with the signs appears on tape again, briefly.

13:57Copy video clip URL The videomaker watches a man from MTV News, Treach from Naughty by Nature, as he interviews people about the political atmosphere.

16:17Copy video clip URL The videomaker interviews the correspondent from MTV, Treach, who is “finding out they [the public] don’t really know anything about the people they’re supporting.” Then the videomaker talks to Brian Palmer, a photographer for the Village Voice. He is asked about the treatment of independent news media. On the convention: “It’s spectacle,” and says everything substantial happens behind closed doors.

20:22Copy video clip URL Wandering around the floor of the RNC, a man carries a sign that says “Exorcise the Demon-crats.”

24:04Copy video clip URL Tape cuts, a Ghanian journalist is interviewed at the RNC. He is traveling through the US for four months to experience America. He thinks that the political process in America is very expensive, as opposed to Ghana’s elections, which are more like Britain’s. He would not be a Republican and disapproves of Bush’s claim to changing the world, without even mentioning Gorbachev. “The unification of Germany was not the work of America, was not the work of George Bush.”

29:47Copy video clip URL The Ghanian journalist talks about “family values.” They are not an issue in Ghana, according to him, and they are advanced in community living even if they are not advanced in technology. “We have an extended family system where we take care of one another.”

33:30Copy video clip URL As for racism, there is allegedly none in Ghana, though there is tribalism. He has not been a victim of racism in America, but he feels this is only because he is recognized as a foreigner. He encourages knowledge about Africa, and talks about African Americans in Africa.

40:08Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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