[The 90’s election specials raw : St. Louis debate #2]

Raw tape for The 90's election specials. Tom Weinberg goes to St. Louis to shoot the events leading up to the first of three presidential debates. This tape covers President George H.W. Bush's arrival at the airport, and pre-debate interviews with journalists at Washington University.

00:00Copy video clip URL Weinberg waits at the airport for George and Barbara Bush to arrive. There is very loud wind noise throughout this portion of the tape. Weinberg goes through various security measures and then wanders around talking to various people waiting to greet the president.

19:00Copy video clip URL Air Force One lands.

23:42Copy video clip URL George and Barbara Bush emerge from the plane to a cheering crowd and chants of “Four More Years!” The president shakes hands, and then gives a short speech about winning the election. A marching band plays.

33:08Copy video clip URL Weinberg, Eddie Becker, and a bus driver go to a restaurant. Weinberg records a cook flipping burgers briefly, before the tape cuts to a car.

35:54Copy video clip URL They arrive at the Washington University gymnasium where the debate will take place. Weinberg talks to Richard Davies, and then wanders around talking to other journalists in the press room of the debate hall. Weinberg chats with a Chicago journalist about funny Harry Caray quotes such as, “What I wouldn’t do for a mouthful of Busch!” We also see Dee Dee Myers talking about her predictions for the debate.

50:56Copy video clip URL In the main debate hall, Weinberg checks out whose names are listed on the reserved seats. Weinberg then interviews David Matthews, a longtime friend of Bill Clinton, who is surprisingly eloquent in his support of Clinton.

01:03:14Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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