Raw footage for The 90's election specials. Fundraiser for Senator Paul Tsongas at the Fairmont Hotel, with mostly Greek attendees (Tsongas is also Greek).
00:00Copy video clip URL Driving in Chicago at night, on Wacker Drive.
00:50Copy video clip URL Fundraiser for Senator Paul Tsongas at the Fairmont Hotel. A large crowd of fervent Tsongas supporters, mostly Greeks, cheer at every opportunity.
05:53Copy video clip URL Adlai Stevenson III, former U.S. Senator from Illinois, gives a rousing speech supporting Tsongas. “The Democratic Party will not nominate him because he is too responsible. But I support him.” Stevenson is interrupted by chants of “too good!” (The stage is sometimes not visible because people keep holding up large signs that block the camera’s view).
13:25Copy video clip URL Tsongas gives a boring speech about fundraising levels. There are also interviews with supporters, who are very hopeful about Tsongas’ chances, despite his current low poll levels. “There hasn’t been a race that he hasn’t started out as an underdog, and he’s always won. Always.”
25:11Copy video clip URL The speech is over, and audience members cheer Tsongas’ name. Videomaker Skip Blumberg interviews people for the rest of tape. They call Tsongas “sincere” and “honest,” and say a lack of charisma should not stand in his way. “We want somebody who’s real.” People liked seeing him in person, rather than on television, and think that Tsongas is “wise.” Clinton, on the other hand, they find to be fake.
43:31Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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