Episode 103 of the award-winning TV series, The 90's. This episode features the following segments:
01:26Copy video clip URL Excerpt from “Duck and Cover,” an educational film advising how to react to an atomic bomb blast.
02:00Copy video clip URL “My Name Is Edwina Carrera” by Cliff Bryant features a young woman, Edwina, and her roommates complaining about one another.
03:41Copy video clip URL “Back to Normal” by Jonathan Letchinger. Shot in San Francisco about a week after the devastating earthquake that occurred on October 17, 1989, this video chronicles San Francisco’s reactions to the quake. Some are angry, others still in shock.
08:45Copy video clip URL “Life is Life” by Laibach. A music video for the German band Laibach.
11:55Copy video clip URL “Alternatives Festival.” A short interview with Mark Johnson, founder of Alternatives Festival, a gathering of punk rock musicians in Washington D.C. that formed to help young people work for change in society.
13:20Copy video clip URL More from “Edwina Carerra.”
14:22Copy video clip URL “We Have The Force” by Youth Force ’88 and Branda Miller. A short documentary about an inner city youth group that organized an effort called “Take Back the Park.” Their efforts included demonstrations to evict drug dealers and drug addicts from a park in New York City.
18:40Copy video clip URL “Henry Moore Sculpture.” A teacher talks to teenagers about the first self-sustained nuclear chain reaction while standing at the site where it occurred on the University of Chicago’s campus. “As we know, the course of mankind – of the world – has been changed as a result of what took place at this spot on December 2nd, 1942.”
19:15Copy video clip URL “Disarmament Survey” by Skip Blumberg. A boy in New York discusses his fear of world nuclear proliferation.
20:20Copy video clip URL “South Africa and the Bomb” by Globalvision and South Africa Now. A short segment in which American scientists and analysts discuss the threat posed by South Africa’s clandestine nuclear weapons program. Includes 1977 footage of South Africa’s former prime minister Johannes Vorster threatening the world to stop meddling in its nuclear plans: “If these things continue and don’t stop, the time will arrive when South Africa will have no option – small as it is – [but] to say to the world. ‘So far and no further. Do your damnedest if you so wish!'” A South African scientist warns, “The free world hasn’t got any way of assessing what South Africa is doing in the nuclear arena.”
24:10Copy video clip URL Dr. Helen Caldicott discusses toxicity and carcinogenic nature of plutonium in this 1970’s video.
26:07Copy video clip URL More from “Duck and Cover.”
28:09Copy video clip URL A clip from the Stanley Kubrick film “Dr. Strangelove.”
29:10Copy video clip URL “Peat Bog Soldier” by Diane Weyermann. A portrait of Eddie Balchowsky, an American soldier who lost his right hand during the Spanish Civil War. He tells of his injury and his battle with drug addiction.
36:02Copy video clip URL Excerpt from “Ambassadors of Cabrini” by Lilly Ollinger. Documentary about the Jesse White Tumblers, a gymnastic group made up predominantly of kids from the Chicago Housing Authority ‘s Cabrini Green. In this clip, we watch the Tumblers perform in the hallways of Cabrini and hear them talk about disadvantages they have suffered growing up in the projects. “We can do the stuff that [the white kids] do. They can do it a little bit better because they have more money.”
37:19Copy video clip URL A segment about the “I Have a Dream” Program in Chicago’s Cabrini Green housing project. This program offers college scholarships, job training, and placement to inner city children in Chicago.
40:37Copy video clip URL Sociology professor Bill Sampson discusses the failures of Cabrini Green and public housing in general.
42:38Copy video clip URL More from “My Name Is Edwina Carrera.”
43:38Copy video clip URL “Varela in Brazil” A segment about the gold miners in Brazil. Varela questions whether or not the mine provides economic hope for Brazil.
45:08Copy video clip URL “Hudson River” by Educational Video Center. Residents discuss the waste polluting New York’s Hudson River.
51:13Copy video clip URL Excerpt from “Adland.” George Lois, chairman, Lois, Holland, Callaway, New York, explains the power that comes from commercial production – “Poom! It’s like poison gas..Poom! That’s sensational. Oh yeah, that’s great.”
51:55Copy video clip URL More from “My Name Is Edwina Carrera.”
52:38Copy video clip URL More from “Duck and Cover.”
53:04Copy video clip URL “Atomic Dreams” by Teri Yarbrow. An experimental work/music video in which a woman dreams of a nuclear holocaust.
57:36Copy video clip URL The 90’s end credits.
1:00:08Copy video clip URL A promo for episode 103 of The 90’s.
1:00:55Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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