Episode 104 of the award-winning TV series, The 90's. This episode features the following segments:
01:27Copy video clip URL Old commercial for Old Gold cigarettes.
01:44Copy video clip URL 90’s opening.
02:22Copy video clip URL “Galaxy Sweetheart” by Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann and Daniel Thalmann. Computer generated animation starring a robot.
07:33Copy video clip URL Old commercial for “Barbie Sings” record.
08:15Copy video clip URL “Men Against Domestic Violence.” Segment by Eddie Becker. Men hold a rally in Washington, D.C to prevent sexual violence and general women’s rights issues.
11:04Copy video clip URL “Guns and Women”. Joe Cummings reports from an Orland Park shopping mall, where women are going to a shooting range called Target Masters. Cummings investigates this increasing phenomenon of women learning to shoot guns.
13:19Copy video clip URL Music video for the song “Wagon Ho” by Raunchy Bob Yup Yup.
14:57Copy video clip URL Marlboro Cigarette Commercial. Emphasizes the masculine image of the Marlboro Man.
15:33Copy video clip URL Excerpt from “Death in the West” by Thames Television. This documentary contrasts the masculine images of cowboys in cigarette commercials with the true stories of cowboys with lung cancer.
18:27Copy video clip URL Albert Einstein graphic comments on the dangers of smoking.
19:20Copy video clip URL Acrobats on Venice Beach by Nancy Cain.
19:39Copy video clip URL Greater Yellowstone News segment on deer hunters in the park. By Phil Morton. We follow the hunters as they make a kill and show the corpse.
22:45Copy video clip URL “Folklore Festival of Morocco” by Bart Friedman and Joel Gold. Acrobats perform outside on carpets.
25:30Copy video clip URL “Letta’s Family” by the Educational Video Center. Documentary about a family in the Cumberland Mountains of Tennesse. Letta, the mother of the family, speaks about their extreme poverty and about how they survive on potatoes and greens from their garden and live without electricity or running water.
29:23Copy video clip URL “Uncle Sam Falls” by Bill Stamets. A humorous clip where a mannequin dressed as Uncle Sam topples over and people scramble to right him.
30:00Copy video clip URL “Ike for President.” Animated commercial for Dwight Eisenhower.
30:55Copy video clip URL “Political Posture” by Bill Tunnicliffe. Spoof of a political ad styled like a Calvin Klein commercial.
32:35Copy video clip URL Music video for the song “All Your Affection’s Gone” by Dion Payton and the 43rd Street Blues Band. Exterior shots of The Checkerboard Lounge. By Colleen McNichols.
36:53Copy video clip URL Muddy Waters talks about music. By Michael Prussian.
37:10Copy video clip URL “Rock and Roll Controversy.” Old black and white film clips that highlight the generational gap surrounding the emergence of rock ‘n roll. “Rock ‘n roll is cool, daddy, and you know it!”
37:46Copy video clip URL “Rock ‘N’ Roll Disciples” by Thomas Corboy. Documentary about people obsessed with Elvis Presley.
41:27Copy video clip URL Paul Krassner talks about the Elvis Presley’s place in American culture.
42:36Copy video clip URL Shots of people with Elvis tattoos.
42:55Copy video clip URL “First Contact” by Rob Wolff. Animated sequence where a small pod lands on a desk, only to be smashed by a fly-swatter.
43:34Copy video clip URL “Sidewalk Stories” by Charles Lang. Short black and white silent film. Slapstick-style fight scene.
44:29Copy video clip URL “Advice Ladies” by Skip Blumberg. Women give advice on the streets of New York City.
44:58Copy video clip URL Home video of Leo Goldstein’s 99th birthday party.
45:28Copy video clip URL “Minnie Black’s Gourd Band” by Appalshop. Documentary about a woman who makes instruments out of dried gourds. The band performs “When The Saints Go Marching In.”
50:30Copy video clip URL Airplane lands.
50:56Copy video clip URL “Fontano’s.” Documentary about the legendary Chicago deli and its owners. Mrs. Fontano talks about her traditional values -”only crazy people get divorce!” and Joe Cummings enters in the dining room (the room that is never to be used) with a nervous Mr. Fontano.
56:25Copy video clip URL “Dirty Power” by Robert Lurye. Computer generated animation about a romantic tryst between power cords and electrical outlets.
58:05Copy video clip URL Music video for the song “Marilyn Monroe” by Phoebe Legere plays over the credits.
59:57Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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