Episode 110 of the award-winning TV series The 90's. This episode is called "COMPILATION" and features the following segments:
00:00Copy video clip URL Color bars and tone, slate.
01:07Copy video clip URL Cold opening: Old TV footage.
01:22Copy video clip URL The 90’s opening.
02:04Copy video clip URL “Erika Becker” by Eddie Becker. Erika talks to her father about her “Several Policy” [Cerebral Palsy]. She explains what the disease does and how it made her feel. “What’s the worst part of having a handicap?” “I think being made fun of. That really hurts.” “Inside, even grownups treat me differently… but that’s because I’m different.”
09:25Copy video clip URL Music video for the song “All Your Affection’s Gone” by Dion Payton and the 43rd Street Blues Band. Exterior shots of The Checkerboard Lounge. By Colleen McNichols.
13:43Copy video clip URL “Muddy Waters” by Tom Weinberg, 1981. An interview in which Muddy Waters explains the roots of rock ‘n roll.
13:59Copy video clip URL “Rock and Roll Controversy.” Old black and white film clips that highlight the generational gap surrounding the emergence of rock ‘n roll. “Rock ‘n roll is cool, daddy, and you know it!”
14:35Copy video clip URL Promotional compilation for the band Johnny Clegg and Savuka by Globalvision/South Africa Now, featuring news reports, music videos, and interviews.
18:38Copy video clip URL Studs Terkel Interviews critic Dave Marsh at WFMT. Marsh talks about the importance of Southern racial politics in the emergence of rock ‘n roll.
20:08Copy video clip URL 1989 CLIO Award-Winning Commercial for the Tate Gallery in Liverpool, G.B.
20:37Copy video clip URL “Flying Morning Glory (On Fire)” by Skip Blumberg. At an outdoor restaurant in Phitsanulok, Thailand, a cook demonstrates how to make a stir-fried dish with morning glory leaves. “Make sure the wok is very hot,” he says and then tosses the meal in the air behind him, which is caught on a plate by the server.
24:02Copy video clip URL David Halberstam commentary by Tom Weinberg and Skip Blumberg. Halberstam talks about how young people today are going to compete with people from around the world for jobs that their parents were almost guaranteed. “The new definition of national security is… ‘How good is your high school graduate?’ The easy affluence has gone; other nations have caught up… slice of middle class is slimmer… Americans are now competing with people their age from Osaka, Beijing, Singapore, Jakarta etc.”
26:05Copy video clip URL “Uncle Sam Falls” by Bill Stamets. A humorous clip where a mannequin dressed as Uncle Sam topples over and people scramble to right him.
26:41Copy video clip URL “Quayle Watching.” During a speech Dan Quayle is heckled.
26:55Copy video clip URL “Yuppie Rap” by Bill O ‘Neil. A music video for a song that parodies the young urban professionals of the 1980’s.
30:43Copy video clip URL “Washington Homeless Demonstration” Marchers demonstrate in Washington D.C. for affordable housing.
32:49Copy video clip URL “Voices from the Sidewalk.” Scott Kelman is the artistic director of Pipeline, Inc., an arts program for the homeless. He talks about politics and the future. Homeless people read poetry in Skid Row.
37:47Copy video clip URL “Henry Moore Sculpture.” A teacher talks to teenagers about the first self-sustained nuclear chain reaction while standing at the site where it occurred on the University of Chicago’s campus.
38:24Copy video clip URL “Disarmament Survey” by Skip Blumberg. A boy in New York discusses his fear of world nuclear proliferation.
39:18Copy video clip URL “Duck and Cover.” A 1950’s educational film advising how to react to an atomic bomb blast.
39:53Copy video clip URL “Ike for President.” Animated commercial for Dwight Eisenhower.
40:10Copy video clip URL “Political Posture” by Bill Tunnicliffe. Spoof of a political ad styled like a Calvin Klein commercial.
41:46Copy video clip URL “Brazilian TV” by Wendy Appel and Alan Barker. Brazilian actress Christine Nazareth gives us the inside scoop on Brazilian TV: the stars, the most popular programs, and the politics.
45:54Copy video clip URL “Guns and Women.” Joe Cummings reports from an Orland Park, IL shopping mall, where women are going to a shooting range called Target Masters. Cummings investigates this increasing phenomenon of women learning to shoot guns.
48:07Copy video clip URL Music video for the song “Wagon Ho” by Raunchy Bob Yup Yup.
49:48Copy video clip URL “Advice Ladies” by Skip Blumberg. Women give advice on the streets of New York City.
50:47Copy video clip URL “On Our Own Land” by Anne Lewis/Appalshop. Kentucky landowners express their bitterness and demonstrate their continuing confrontation with coal-mining companies who have taken their land for strip-mining. Everett Akers: “They have taken our rights! They have taken our freedom! When you own and control land you are a free man! When you own land and can’t control it, you’re a slave!… Who gave you permission to steal our land, to kill our land? We can’t produce, we can’t make a living off of our land!… Shame on you! Shame on the courts of Kentucky!”
57:46Copy video clip URL End credits.
59:46Copy video clip URL Promo for The 90’s.
1:00:22Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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