[The 90’s raw: Nelson Mandela in Angola]

Raw footage shot for The 90's of Nelson Mandela on a tour of Angola.

00:00Copy video clip URL It is May, 1990. Nelson and Winnie Mandela, and a delegation, tour a facility in Angola. Some audio is low. A tour guide, speaking through a translator, shares information about Angola culture, proverbs, and the ways a man doesn’t forget his old wife when he gets a new one.

02:50Copy video clip URL The delegation enters a room. B-roll of Mandela listening to the tour guide talk about Angola culture.

03:36Copy video clip URL They enter another room full of artifacts and tribal music instruments.

04:32Copy video clip URL Various b-roll of music group playing on a tiled patio. Mandela and the delegates sit and watch artists perform tribal music and dance. Various b-roll of Mandela watching the performance.

12:30Copy video clip URL The music and dance stops as a theatrical performance takes over.

14:00Copy video clip URL The music and dance begins again.

15:38Copy video clip URL B-roll of the Mandelas greeting the dancers and musicians. The delegation walks along an outdoor corridor to listen to two musicians playing an African xylophone or balafon. Mandela asks his hosts if he can shake hands with the musicians. They do and then the entourage heads into the building.

17:55Copy video clip URL B-roll of various artifacts and furniture on display. The delegates continue the tour as the guide talks about Angola culture and history.

19:00Copy video clip URL The delegation enters an auditorium. Mandela and Eduardo dos Santos speak at a press conference. Santos makes opening remarks. Their audio is low and their statements are translated, but the translator’s audio is difficult to decipher.

24:44Copy video clip URL Poor audio. Mandela thanks Santos for his hospitality and kind sentiments. He talks about friendship between countries and support received over the years. He speaks about a desire to open South African military camps in Angola and speaks of the struggles of the times. He praises Santos. He speaks of the commitment and determination in South Africa. He says he and his delegation have had an exciting time in Angola.

32:15Copy video clip URL The videographer stops and re-starts recording in mid-sentence. Mandela takes questions from the press members in the audience. Mandela says he doesn’t think the press is the proper platform for leaders to discuss differences between nations. A question is asked to Mandela about how he feels knowing that rebel leader Jonas Savimbi is a friend of the same regime that imprisoned him. The videographer stops recording towards the beginning of Mandela’s answer. Only bits of his answer are recorded.

34:34Copy video clip URL In answer to a question that is not recorded, Mandela says. “I think that the African National Congress is more united than ever before.” He adds that no other organization could have had such an impact. The fact that the government has been forced to sit down and talk with us, a group that said it would never sit down to speak with us, points to the impact we are making. It forces the government to realize there can be no solution in South Africa without involving the African National Congress.

36:04Copy video clip URL Another question asks if he will run for President of South Africa. Mandela says he will.

37:59Copy video clip URL In answer to an inaudible question, Mandela answers, “I haven’t got sufficient information to comment on this development.” Mandela adds, “One must get the news of the other side first hand.” Mandela compliments another world leader saying that his bravery in stating to the world that imperialism and colonialism has done considerable harm to millions is an action few would see from a leader in the West. Mandela talks about a policy that fights racism in South Africa and supports fundamental human rights.

44:03Copy video clip URL B-roll of someone asking a question about the effects of various political organizations. Audio is difficult to decipher.

46:03Copy video clip URL Mandela is in mid-sentence answering a question. Part of his answer is inaudible.

46:55Copy video clip URL The press conference ends. Various b-roll of attendees milling about. Mandela and Santos received a framed photo of them at a rally. The delegation exits the conference room. They continue walking through a corridor.

48:21Copy video clip URL Change of location. At the Kwzola orphanage in Rwanda, Angola, a little boy poses for the videographer. Kids play with toys. Various shots of babies.

49:14Copy video clip URL Interview with a man who says the babies come from around the surrounding provinces. Various b-roll of babies being tended to. While tending to three babies, the man notes that they were left on the street or in a maternity hospital. B-roll of the malnourished babies.

50:30Copy video clip URL Outside the orphanage, kids play with toys. One child plays with an iron and ironing board. Various b-roll of portraits of the kids, kids at a table playing: boys with trucks, girls with tea sets.

54:54Copy video clip URL B-roll of adults congregating as kids continue to play with a toy cash register.

55:50Copy video clip URL Establishing shot of Kwzola orphanage, a low, plain building on a dirt lot. Continued b-roll of the kids playing with old soda cans.

56:35Copy video clip URL A man attending to one of the kids, Georgina, says she is three years old and was found in a forest east of Angola. Others have come to the orphanage under similar circumstance. He notes it’s a result of rebel attacks and the war. B-roll of the kids mugging face time for the camera.

57:23Copy video clip URL Kids outside the orphanage on a dirt lot. They are waving white sheets. and looking at the videographer. B-roll of the various buildings on the orphanage lot.

58:40Copy video clip URL B-roll of a distant cargo plane on final approach. B-roll of adults congregating, kids hanging out.

59:12Copy video clip URL B-roll inside the orphanage, various shots of kids at several long tables, drawing and writing.

01:01:21Copy video clip URL Children outside playing on the ground. They hang out, one bangs on a in can as though it’s a drum. Others play with homemade toy trucks.

01:04:20Copy video clip URL Several kids line up with their trucks pulled by string and parade around the orphanage lot.

01:05:26Copy video clip URL A man talks about MIG fighter jets flying by with bombs.

01:05:40Copy video clip URL B-roll of kids and off the main entrance to Kwolza orphanage. The sign reads: LAR DE NFANCIA KWZOLA.

01:05:50Copy video clip URL Chicago Slices correspondent Andrew Jones plays violin for the kids.

01:08:19Copy video clip URL Jones records takes of his stand up report. “Here is the future, a future for the continent and perhaps for the world.”

01:09:49Copy video clip URL B-roll, traveling in a car down a road. Nighttime shot of city lights. Various morning shots of a harbor with boats.

01:16:58Copy video clip URL Change of location. Inside a Russian Antonov An-32 cargo plane. Various b-roll of pilots in the cockpit, signs in Russian, and passengers in the cargo hold.

01:17:40Copy video clip URL B-roll of a commercial airliner, Linhas Aereas de Angola, on the runway next to them. Various b-roll inside the Russian cargo plane’s cockpit as the crew prepares for take off.

01:18:57Copy video clip URL B-roll from inside the cockpit: the plane speeds down the runway and takes off. Various b-roll of the land below, the instrument panel, pilots and flight crew, navigator and maps. One tells the videographer, Andrew P Jones, that they are now over the rebel highlands. A date appears on camera’s display: May 15, 1990.

01:26:00Copy video clip URL B-roll from the cockpit of the landing. Various b-roll of crew around the plane on the tarmac. Soldiers stand guard. A soldier sits on a demolished MIG 17.

01:28:43Copy video clip URL B-roll of the Antonov An-32 on the tarmac. B-roll of military trucks and soldiers preparing to board the ground transports. The videographer leaves in one of the transport trucks. Various b-roll of the environment: dry landscape, wood huts, dilapidated concrete buildings riddled with bullet holes. Many soldiers and derelict military vehicles.

01:31:16Copy video clip URL The transport stops at a river spanned by a narrow bridge. On either side are military personnel and trucks. Some members of the truck take photos. B-roll soldiers bathing in river. Some relaxing. Others stand guard. Jones and the others walk across the bridge.

01:32:08Copy video clip URL Andrew P Jones files a report on camera. “This is Cuito Cuanavale, 600-miles from Angola. In 1975, the Angolans fought the South Africans here. Now they fight UNITA

01:32:39Copy video clip URL Interview with a man who says this bridge was the main target of the South Africans. He says there was a big battle here. He says they (the South Africans) wanted to move into Cuito, but got stuck here. B-roll of the river, the bridge, and a derelict gunboat pulled up on the shore. A soldier says this boat broke down and was left. It was left by the Portuguese army. It was used for river patrol. Various b-roll of the boat and activity around the river: soldiers mill about, some cross the river in a boat, a truck and troops cross the bridge.

01:36:07Copy video clip URL A man notes that this is the main bridge across the river which is why the South Africans were trying to destroy it. Various b-roll of heavy guns.

01:36:33Copy video clip URL Jones files another report. He says, “This is the Cuito River, one of the main targets of the South Africans during the war in ’75. The South Africans bombed this river with heavy artillery, but they failed to capture it. Now the Angolans protect this same bridge. Only now they protect it from UNITA.

01:37:17Copy video clip URL B-roll of the river, of soldiers with guns, of trucks and soldier on the road side.

01:39:52Copy video clip URL A man notes Lt. Colonel Lues Mendes [sic], “He’s been here since the beginning of the oppression.” Jones gets a ride on a military vehicle, videotapes the river and landscape as he rides. They ride along a dirt road passing by troops, trucks, tanks, and grass huts.

01:44:40Copy video clip URL Drop frames in video.

01:45:14Copy video clip URL Drop frames. Stop/re-start digitizing. Various b-roll of military trucks, troops, cannon, and tanks.

01:47:08Copy video clip URL In a clearing surrounded by trees, an officer, possibly Lt. Colonel Luis Mendes, Commander of Cabinda. He speaks in Portuguese to a group of journalists. The journalist asks questions.

01;51:50Copy video clip URL B-roll of tanks and troops posing.

01:53:34Copy video clip URL Jones records several takes of his report. “This is a base camp for the Angolan army. Here they fought and defeated UNITA. We’re about 15 to 16 kilometers from Cuito Cuanavale.” He notes the Angolan army has been fighting since 1961. They fought the Portuguese,  the South Africans and now UNITA. They are well armed, well organized and determined to have victory.

01:55:16Copy video clip URL B-roll of the troops and tanks. Jones is back on a truck traveling along a road passing trucks, tanks, troops. He interviews a man who says there are mines on both sides of the road. B-roll of bombed vehicles.

01:58:30Copy video clip URL B-roll of villages, bombed buildings, troops and a map with an officer explaining, in Portuguese, various locations of the war to a group of journalists.

02:04:11Copy video clip URL END



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