Raw footage for the award-winning series The 90's. Several people talk about what Christmas is like in Cabrini Green.
00:00Copy video clip URL Video begins with a a little boy in a living room on Christmas.
00:10Copy video clip URL The little boy is asked how Christmas and Santa Claus have been, and he says they were “bad.”
00:50Copy video clip URL Young man talks about remembering his Christmases in Cabrini Green being much the same as others. He says they’re not what people might expect, without food or presents.
01:50Copy video clip URL The young man talks about Christmas in Cabrini being more about family than toys. Some people work and save all year for the gifts.
02:20Copy video clip URL Another young man talks about Christmases always being the same, even though he’s not in Cabrini anymore.
02:50Copy video clip URL Footage of Christmas tree and presents under it. There’s a woman speaking, but she’s not shown. She talks about growing up “in the slums” but not knowing it because she was so young. She remembers having a cellophane Christmas tree that was silver, not green. She remembers sleeping on the ‘let-out couch’ in the living room with her sister. She talks about remembering having one package under the tree, but it was like, “Ah! Santa Claus came!” She says that one package meant more than 99,000 packages.
05:14Copy video clip URL She talks about moving from the “slums” on the West Side to Cabrini–“the bricks where it’s warm” and it was a “graduation” around age 12. She says by that time she was “old enough” to know what Christmas was all about.
06:07Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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