[The 90’s raw: Denali Park Alaska]

Alaska #2 Denali Park. A videographer documents a tour group in Denali National Park, Alaska. Scenes of wild bear, elk, moose, and panning for gold.

00:00Copy video clip URL On a tour bus at Denali National Park, Alaska. The driver tells a group of tourist that he’s seen more wolves out recently then he’s seen in his life. He says bears have been scarce since a pack of wolves twelve strong killed two bear cubs.

01:02Copy video clip URL B-roll of mountainous landscape.

01:23Copy video clip URL A park ranger talks with the bus driver as they enter the park.

02:07Copy video clip URL B-roll of the vast Alaskan landscape.

02:44Copy video clip URL B-roll of riding in the bus. Everyone searches out windows for wild life.

03:30Copy video clip URL The tourists spot wild fowl, two adults and chicks.

05:05Copy video clip URL The group continues searching out the bus windows to view sheep on a distant mountain side.

05:57Copy video clip URL The guide continues driving through the park. He says there are 23-26 species in the area.

07:06Copy video clip URL The bus stops to view wild life then moves on.

07:28Copy video clip URL B-roll of the Alaskan landscape, long shot of three bears. Various shots. Audio is low. The guide talks about how bears learn to stay away from people: park officials will go out into the wilderness, cook bacon to draw in the bear, then shoot it with rubber bullets. He notes that males sometimes kill the cubs.

12:51Copy video clip URL B-roll of wild fowl with chicks.

13:10Copy video clip URL B-roll of the vast grassy landscape. The tour group is outside the bus looking over the fields and mountains.

15:25Copy video clip URL Long shot of wild animals, landscapes, and a bear.

17:22Copy video clip URL Elk or moose on the horizon. Various b-roll of landscapes, mountains, clouds. The guide talks about Carl Benjamin Eielson, the famous bush pilot.

18:27Copy video clip URL B-roll of moose or elk grazing. Various shots of tourists taking photos.

19:42Copy video clip URL B-roll of mountains and the grazing animals. B-roll of a wild moose in a pond, tourist take photos.

21:25Copy video clip URL B-roll of an unidentified animal in the wild, disappears behind a hill.

21:33Copy video clip URL The videographer is in a horse-drawn covered wagon with other tourists. They ride along a dirt and gravel road along a river. Everyone chats friendly and laughs.

22:50Copy video clip URL B-roll of the tour group walking along a dirt road through the national park  and vast vegetation and wildlife.

24:00Copy video clip URL A middle aged female tour guide digs under dirt and rock, demonstrating how to pan for gold.

25:00Copy video clip URL A young female guide also demonstrates the steps in panning for gold. She pans in a shallow river. She notes gold is nineteen times heavier than water. Rocks are four to six times heavier. “Hold the pan steady and let the water out. The trick is having the right angle on your pan. Settle it every three or four times.” B-roll of the group watching. The guide finds flakes of gold. When asked about the biggest piece of gold she’s ever found, the guide responds that two days ago she found a piece that weighed a couple of ounces. B-roll of various tour members panning for gold. One finds a speck of gold.

43:29Copy video clip URL B-roll of the guide working with the tourists, helping them pan. Five little specks of gold found in the river. One tourist asks another, “Any truth to the rumor you’re a gold digger?” “I am now.”

44:23Copy video clip URL Static.

44:27Copy video clip URL B-roll of wildlife, a beaver on a river near lush open grassland.

46:42Copy video clip URL A telephoto shot of a bear in the wild.

48:01Copy video clip URL B-roll of snow capped mountains and a sign that reads: Denali, Mount. McKinley, 20,320 feet.

48:36Copy video clip URL B-roll of elk in the wild and b-roll of two bears. The tour guide notes that George Eastman took a trip to Alaska and named his Kodak Brownie camera after the brown fur of the grizzly bears which is also known as a kodiak.

50:17Copy video clip URL B-roll as the bus travels through the national park: lush fields, wildlife, bear.

52:20Copy video clip URL Change of location. B-roll in a hotel room. The camera roams without direction or focus.

53:08Copy video clip URL Back to Denali National Park. B-roll of bear, imposing mountains, lush grassland, and clouds in a wide sky.

56:27Copy video clip URL Moose silhouette on a horizon while another caribou grazes.

57:13Copy video clip URL B-roll of mountains. The tour bus rides through the park. Continued b-roll of moose on the horizon.

58:46Copy video clip URL B-roll of lush valley and majestic mountains as the bus rolls through the park. The tour guide notes this has been a good wildlife season, but it’s unpredictable. “You could drive out and not see anything.”

59:35Copy video clip URL The tour exits the bus, taking in the vast landscape. Back on the bus, the ride continues through the park. The driver notes they are driving through Polychrome Pass. He notes, “This is where I’ve seen that lone wolf the last three times I’ve been out. We’re looking for a silver wolf.” The bus stops. The tourists look from the windows for the wolf. The bus continues through the Pass. The bus stops and the driver talks friendly with the driver of a passing bus. They continue down the road. The bus pulls up to three other buses stopped.

01:07:50Copy video clip URL B-roll, panoramic shot of the land and mountains.

01:08:36Copy video clip URL B-roll of the bus traveling along the road.

01:09:03Copy video clip URL The video color shifts.

01:09:30Copy video clip URL B-roll of a bear in the thickets.

01:10:05Copy video clip URL B-roll as the bus travels along the road. The driver tells the people to make sure they have their belongings. They pull up to a station and the tourists are let off the bus.

01:11:35Copy video clip URL Change of location. In a dome car on a train, a group of tourists observe the passing landscape. A fun-loving tour guide makes “moose antlers” at the tour group seen on a passing train. The guide starts talking about silver salmon when the recording stops. STATIC.

01:14:04Copy video clip URL Still in the dome car, a man tells a joke. “What  the difference between The Lone Ranger and the Exxon oil spill plant? There really is a lone Ranger.” “How do you get a one-armed Alaskan out of a tree? You wave.” The man notes on the road between Denali and here the only way to get to a certain moose hunting ground is by plane. He talks about the adrenaline rush felt when hunting moose. The question is, how to get the moose out once you’ve shot it. It can weigh 1,200 pounds. You have to have a truck or quarter the animal in the field, making pieces that are 400 pounds each. It takes six guys to lift them. The man continues about a 200,000 caribou herd that migrates every year and it’s restricted. He says moose and caribou drop their antlers every year. “You’ll see them along the side of the railroad track. Arctic mice eat the antlers It’s their only source of calcium.”

01:17:51Copy video clip URL END.



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