[The 90’s raw: interview with John Davis]

Raw footage shot for the award-winning series The 90's. From The 90's office, Tom Weinberg interviews John H. Davis, author of Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, over the phone. Davis' answers are recorded by Skip Blumberg on tape #10956.

00:00Copy video clip URL Tom Weinberg calls John Davis for a phone interview. This tape contains only Tom’s end of the conversation. The line is busy when he tries calling.

03:34Copy video clip URL Tom tries calling again a few times. He finally gets Davis on the telephone. They start to talk about Davis’ new book that Tom has been reading. They hang up and decide to start the phone call over in five minutes.

07:45Copy video clip URL A shot of the book, Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy.

08:40Copy video clip URL Tom calls John Davis back for the interview. He launches right into some questions about JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald. Davis’ responses are on another tape being filmed simultaneously in New York.

11:15Copy video clip URL Tom asks Davis about the process of writing the book.

19:00Copy video clip URL Tom asks Davis to summarize the importance of Carlos Marcello in relation to the story.

27:00Copy video clip URL They continue to discuss the topics of the book.

38:35Copy video clip URL Tom asks Davis to talk more about his views on the assassination of MLK and possible connections to organized crime. Then they return the discussion to the Kennedy family.

48:15Copy video clip URL Tom asks, “What’s your next book after Mafia Kingfish?”

49:10Copy video clip URL The phone call ends. Then Tom briefly calls back for a few final details.

54:40Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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