[The 90’s raw: interview with Russian woman]

Raw tape for the award-winning TV series The 90's. Joel Gold interviews a Russian woman who fell in love with New York immediately upon arriving (on only her second trip abroad) and is indefinitely delaying her return to Russia. She talks about her shock at how polite and pleasant Americans are, because Russians are very rude.

00:00Copy video clip URL She introduces herself as Marianne Markova (?) and the interview starts in her bed where she explains healing towels that she wraps about herself. The phone rings, the tape cuts, and she prepares herself for her interview with Gold.

01:38Copy video clip URL The tape is blank for 2 and a half minutes.

04:00Copy video clip URL The interview begins. She introduces herself again as Marianne Markova and says she is from Moscow, and this is her second trip to the western world. She says she planned to stay two weeks, but she fell in love with America.

05:40Copy video clip URL “First of all I was impressed by people,” Markova says, and how they smile. In Russia, on the other hand, people are rude, push each other, and don’t apologize. She thinks the mentality of the two peoples are completely different. She talks about the importance of using phrases like “Sorry,” “Have a nice day,” and “Enjoy.” These phrases aren’t used in Russia. “I don’t blame Russian people because they don’t have the joy of life… When people are miserable, they make all people miserable.”

9:47Copy video clip URL Gold asks about the difference in lifestyle, and she says it’s the “difference between black and white, hell and paradise.” Though she was considered well-off in Russia, she became much closer to God when she came to America. “I feel the presence of God every second.” “I think that this country is really blessed by God… I hear this phrase all the time, ‘God bless America’.” She talks about how a friend of hers said that Russia was “obviously cursed” by God.

12:50Copy video clip URL Markova says only twenty percent of the churches formerly in Moscow remain. “Life is absolutely senseless there… you have absolutely no goals and no wishes…they don’t understand how miserable they are.” Though her father is a patriot, she thinks that if he spent time in America, he would feel the same way. She then explains her family background, her parents and their professions.

15:43Copy video clip URL Gold asks Markova about her social status in Russia, which was relatively high. She says that even though she had a high status in Russia, she likes the feeling of freedom here. She finds an extreme lack of freedom in Russia and experiences demeaning treatment daily. Russians are treated differently than foreigners in Russia, and are not allowed to enter stores for foreigners (which have better food) and are not allowed to approach hotels.

20:39Copy video clip URL Markova says “Americans gave her a lot of joy.” When asked about her experiences with Americans, she begins to cry about the kindness she has experienced during her stays in America. “I was touched to the bottom of my heart and each person was good to me.” She says she would like to spend a month in Moscow and four or five months in New York. She cannot leave Russia for good, because she does not want to break ties with all her friends and family. She wants to share her happiness with everyone. “Every second here is sunshine.”

24:59Copy video clip URL Gold asks about Markova’s friends, and asks if she feels that she can be more open in America. She passionately agrees, and elaborates on what Russia expects emotionally of women. She is much more up front with people in America, and does not bottle up emotions. She says her visit here has made her one quarter American, and will affect her behavior back in Russia.

29:14Copy video clip URL Gold asks about the relationships among women, and Markova says they are the same. Women in Russia and in America are very open with each other. He then asks about men, but she says she cannot analyze it yet. Gold talks about how she cried earlier and her strong emotions. She tells a funny anecdote.

33:00Copy video clip URL Gold asks about the homeless situation in Russia, but goes on a tangent and stops himself. Markova says she could go on and on for hours about the good things that have happened to her.

34:46Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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