The Whistling Show

Tape featuring performances and a few small interviews with contestants at the 1st International Whistle-Off in Carson City, Nevada. We learn that, oddly enough, whistling is actually a formally studied musical field. The contestants inform us that there are two types of professional whistling - classical and bird noises. Many whistlers earn money working for Disney doing bird noises for their movies, which are produced by human whistlers rather than recordings of birds. It is unclear what employment opportunities are present in the classical whistling industry. This profession seemed to involve whistling while accompanied by classical music on a tape recorder. In this tape, the primary focus is on the different whistling styles and the contest. Most of the tape is comprised of the performances at the event.

1:44Copy video clip URL KGO Radio wants to interview a young contestant named Jason over the phone. He whistles a song by Schubert called Holy Bliss.

2:55Copy video clip URL Al Collins, head judge of the whistle off, introduces the event.

3:36Copy video clip URL Contestant from Hawaii performs. At one point he even has a cigar in his mouth. “That is quite an unusual whistle. Is there a name for that type of whistle?” Contestant responds, “Yes, strange. Weird!”

6:11Copy video clip URL A contestant explains how he burnt himself on a skewer and was unsure if he would be able to perform at the event.

6:56Copy video clip URL A contestant demonstrates different types of whistling such as the pucker up whistle, two whistles, double tone, and others. This is followed by clips of several performances by a diverse array of whistlers.

10:43Copy video clip URL After performing, a contestant explains how she learned to whistle from her third grade music teacher and then went on the study at the Agnes Woodard School of Whistling. She also talks about the work people do for Disney and that she passed up working for them to focus more on classical whistling.

12:02Copy video clip URL “Midnight Sleigh Ride”

12:42Copy video clip URL Marge Carlson and Tom Nevate perform “The Indian Love Call”

15:23Copy video clip URL Sai Argovich puts 6 cigars, 2 forks, 2 spoons and 6 straws in his mouth while continuing to whistle!

18:34Copy video clip URL Final performer.

19:02Copy video clip URL Al Collins announces the grand champion of the whistle off, Harvey Polleck.

20:01Copy video clip URL Credits.



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