This tape features a 1984 episode of "Time Out," a weekly sports program that is hosted by a number of Chicago area journalists and sportscasters. This week's commentators are John Schulian of the Chicago Sun-Times, Kenny McReynolds, a WBMX sportscaster and Assistant Coach for DePaul University's Men's Basketball team, WIND reporter Fran Spielman, and John Mengelt, broadcaster and NBA veteran.
00:00Copy video clip URL Black, station ID and sponsor intro.
00:25Copy video clip URL Show intro and overview of this episode.
01:30Copy video clip URL Hosts comment on the question, “Are athletes special?” and whether they deserve the praise and/or criticism they receive. They also discuss the role of journalists and the power structure that exists between writers and players.
07:45Copy video clip URL Cut to Bill Veeck, who speaks about Little League Baseball. He notes the various perspectives, from parents to promoters, to organizers, to parks and playgrounds, to the players.
10:45Copy video clip URL Cut to tape of Veeck interviewing Dr. Paddy Lewis, a child psychologist, who comments on how Little League can be beneficial, but can also be detrimental to a child, particularly if the parents use Little League for social status, or if the coaches push the kids too hard. Veeck also interviews Sue Culbertson, who is a Little League mother, and Pete Williams, a Little League coach. Veeck interviews Cubs pitcher Scott Sanderson, who comments on how he benefited from Little League.
17:35Copy video clip URL Cut to Time Out Sports Almanac, which highlights events on this date in sports history.
18:45Copy video clip URL Cut back to studio, where hosts talk about their own experiences of Little League.
20:15Copy video clip URL Taped interview with George Brett, Rudy Law, and Tom Paciorek, who speak of things they’ve learned about hitting a baseball.
24:10Copy video clip URL Cut back to hosts, who discuss good hitting, comebacks from injury.
24:56Copy video clip URL Taped clip of White Sox manager Tony LaRussa, who tells the story of his first game as a professional manager.
25:33Copy video clip URL Cut back to hosts, who discuss managing baseball, and how each team has different coaching needs.
26:15Copy video clip URL Hosts make predictions for Labor Day that will be reviewed on that show.
28:00Copy video clip URL Wrap up and final credits, which run over footage of the Olympic torch carried through Chicago.
29:18Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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