Tom Joyner at Edna’s #1


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Live radio broadcast of the new Tom Joyner Show on V-103. They are broadcasting from Edna's, legendary soul food restaurant in the Garfield Park neighborhood on the West Side of Chicago.

0:00 Open on Tom Joyner greeting people, there is originally no audio. After a bit, audio begins. There are preparations being made for the Tom Joyner Morning Show which seems to be a live radio show that consistently moves around Chicago. On this day they are at a Edna’s soul food restaurant. Joyner asks for a newspaper and interacts the people who are currently setting up with him. People begin to enter the diner and order food and Joyner chats with these patrons.

30:28 Joyner starts the show and interacts more heavily with the crowd at Edna’s. The videographer interviews a woman who may be one of the producers of the show about what they are doing at Edna’s and over the next few days.

53:04 Joyner introduces a new segment on the radio station before returning to eating and reading the newspaper.

1:08:22 Brief hiccup in the video before it continues uninterrupted. The videographer does an interview with one of the people who is in charge of the event who talks about Joyner. Joyner is interviewing different people for the show.

1:55:18 Video ends.



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