Ads for Town House TV and Appliances, 7850 N. Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, IL.
0:24Copy video clip URL Bars and tone, slate.
0:38Copy video clip URL A woman exclaims “Nowadays it seems like everyone’s shopping at Town House!” A family of Conehead-style aliens shops at Town House outlet, discussing the merits of products in clipped monotone. A graphic pushes various GE appliances.
1:19Copy video clip URL Slate for next ad.
1:34Copy video clip URL Substantially similar ad to the one above, but with Zenith products highlighted.
2:14Copy video clip URL Slate for third ad.
2:29Copy video clip URL Same ad as before, with Tappan self-cleaning ovens featured.
3:09Copy video clip URL Slate for fourth ad.
3:24Copy video clip URL Same ad as before, but with Admiral appliances mentioned in the graphic.
4:06Copy video clip URL Video ends.
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