TVTV: Diary of the Video Guerrillas

00:00Copy video clip URL Countdown.  Short clips from several TVTV programs, including “Four More Years,” “Lord of the Universe,” “Adland,” “The Iranian Embassy,” “The Good Times are Killing Me,” “Superbowl,” “TVTV looks at the Oscars,” “Hard Rain,” “Super Vision,” and “The TVTV Show.”

2:02Copy video clip URL Charles Allen, the Senior Vice President at KCET talks about the history and effects of television. He introduces the group, True Value Television (TVTV) and six team members that they will be speaking with during this program. “TVTV: Diary of the Video Guerrillas.” He talks about the unique technological techniques that TVTV utilizes, and conflict they had with larger TV networks. Clips from several TVTV programs, demonstrating their portable equipment that allowed them unique perspectives. Allen talks about the candor and personal moments that TVTV was able to consistently capture. He describes them working with low funds, and hitchhiking on a bus with Vietnam Veterans in order to film an anti-war protest.

7:50Copy video clip URL Allen describes the workspace they worked from. Cut to Allen interviewing Michael Shamberg about TVTV’s coverage of the 1972 Republican Convention. He discusses trying to change the way that non-fiction television was produced. He talks about people involved with the group at that time. He talks about the low salaries that the crew worked for. Allen asks about “Lord of the Universe.” Clip from that program. People at the convention talk about the Guru, their practices, and why they follow him. Cut back to Allen returning to talking about the technology of the video equipment they used. 

17:43Copy video clip URL Allen and Shamberg arrive at an office building and ride an elevator up to meet Alan Rucker. Allen asks Rucker about “Lord of the Universe.” He talks about how that program allowed them to move onto a public television network. He describes their style of documentary filming. They talk about their signature stamp logos. Voiceover about the program “Adland,” and footage from the program. Rucker talks about the involvement of Tom Weinberg, Anda Korsts, Elon Soltes, Skip Blumberg, and Jody Sibert. 

28:18Copy video clip URL Allen goes to Megan Williams’ office to speak about TVTV. He asks her about point of view in the TVTV filming style. She talks about how filming assignments were often carried out. They watch footage of from “The Iranian Embassy.”

38:05Copy video clip URL Cut back to Williams sitting with her child. She speaks about being a working mother. Williams and Allen talked about the changing vision of the group. 

40:15Copy video clip URL Cut to Paul Goldsmith. he talks about why he decided to become involved with TVTV. He talks about the technology. 

41:28Copy video clip URL Cut to black. 

50:42Copy video clip URL Return to Goldsmith talking about the equipment. Footage from “The Good Times Are Killing Me.” 

56:23Copy video clip URL Allen talks to Wendy Apple speaks about the editing process. She describes how she came to be a part of TVTV. 

59:15Copy video clip URL Allen talks with Hudson Marquez about his role as an artist. He talks about storyboarding and his art, including The Cadillac Ranch. Footage from “Superbowl.” Cut back to Marquez. Allen asks why he thinks TVTV disbanded, and he talks about money, and how they stopped having fun. They discuss how their Oscars program came about. Footage from it. They talk about the airing of “Hard Rain,” after the program. 

1:17:00Copy video clip URL Cut to Allen talking to Goldsmith and Marquez about their deal with NBC. Voiceover describes the dramatic film that they began to produce with NBC, “Super Vision.” Footage from the program. They talk about their move from San Francisco to L.A.

1:24:22Copy video clip URL Footage from “The TVTV Show.”

1:33:30Copy video clip URL Cut to Allen speaking about the group’s foray into fiction, and the end of the group. Cut to each member from the group discussing what they’re working on now. List of names of other TVTV contributors. 

1:39:26Copy video clip URL Tape ends. 



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