Documentary about the land donated by philanthropist John D. MacArthur to the state of Florida.
0:00Copy video clip URL Nature shots with ’70s music and voice over about the park.
2:18Copy video clip URL Background about MacArthur and his Florida land donations.
4:18Copy video clip URL Information about the ecological importance of this land.
5:20Copy video clip URL MacArthur bio.
6:25Copy video clip URL Ron Kairalla, manager of Collonades Hotel, complements MacArthur. So does Dick Feeny. Paul Harvey’s radio eulogy. Kairalla talks about MacArthur’s tendency to become upset if anyone wasted anything. Molly Company of the Collonades Hotel relates an anecdote about MacArthur.
12:25Copy video clip URL Voice over explains that while MacArthur did not necessarily want to be remembered as a philanthropist, he did want to be remembered as a conservationist. He did not harm one tree during the building of his hotels and even transplanted trees that needed to be moved. J. Roderick MacArthur talks about John D.’s efforts to preserve Air Force Beach.
16:54Copy video clip URL James Barry, biologist, talks about the importance and uniqueness of the area donated by MacArthur. Larry O’Donnell, Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, talks about the mangrove trees. Bob Bergen talks about another ecological area of the park. William Brown, councilman of North Palm Beach, talks about his efforts to create a park. Peggy Evatt, county commissioner, talks about the negotiations between the MacArthurs and the county.
28:58Copy video clip URL Credits.
29:29Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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