Raw footage for the documentary "Veeck: A Man For Any Season." At Bregstone's, Bill Veeck looks at and selects materials for mobiles.
01:06Copy video clip URL Veeck chats with the store clerk about basketball.
04:28Copy video clip URL Veeck talks to the store clerk about how most of the objects are made in China or Korea.
06:08Copy video clip URL Veeck talks about making mobiles with the little bear figures the store owner sent him when he was in the hospital. “We’ve made them out of almost everything in here.”
07:18Copy video clip URL “Easter isn’t like it used to be.” Veeck laments the lack of Easter-related items.
09:01Copy video clip URL Veeck selects abalone shells. He polishes them and uses them as a balance on the mobile.
10:53Copy video clip URL Veeck chats with the store owner about his family’s art projects. “You have a creative family.” “They get it from their mother.”
12:44Copy video clip URL Talk of Easter bunnies. “Now they’re ferocious.”
18:32Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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