[Veeck: A Man For Any Season raw #58]

Raw footage for the documentary "Veeck: A Man For Any Season." In this tape, Bill Veeck and John Mengelt continue to talk about the business of baseball at Lake Michigan, with the Chicago skyline in the background.

00:00Copy video clip URL Bars with talking in the background.

00:15Copy video clip URL Bill Veeck and John Mengelt debate whether it is possible for universities to secretly pay players. Veeck suggests that the rewards come in the form of jobs for family members. Mengelt contends that the NCAA has unilateral power to declare players ineligible and will catch any troublemakers. Veeck questions whether the NCAA really has authority.

02:28Copy video clip URL Producer Tom Weinberg (off-camera) asks for Mengelt and Veeck to discuss how things came to be the way they are.

03:35Copy video clip URL Veeck contends that even as a lousy player he received a scholarship. If teams don’t win, the alumni don’t give money. “Everyone likes to win. People, as they are further way from their college careers, they look back on these golden memories that never existed.”

06:02Copy video clip URL Veeck discusses the problem of paying coaches a lot of money and signing them to five-year contracts which they break the moment they’ve been offered more money. The kids see the coaches do this, and they don’t realize that they can’t do the same.

08:24Copy video clip URL “The schools have been so anxious to get a fine performer that they neglected to give them the normal tests.” Mengelt says that the college shouldn’t be blamed, but the high school. Veeck contends that the universities are supposed to have standards for the students the admit, and that those standards vanish when it comes to athletes.

10:00Copy video clip URL “It is a highly materialistic world, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

11:44Copy video clip URL Veeck says that if all the money stopped flowing, kids would still play basketball. Kids did not play basketball originally for money.

13:29Copy video clip URL Mengelt contends that he didn’t play basketball, when he was younger at least, for money. The money was to cover all the ancillary parts of the job: injuries, long roadtrips, etc.

14:50Copy video clip URL Veeck talks about going to Champaign, Illinois to watch high school basketball because he finds the games more fun to watch because the kids are having more fun playing.

16:20Copy video clip URL They talk about the recent success of Chicago sports teams and speculate as to whether the high finance owners are propelling the success. Veeck says that he sold the White Sox because he couldn’t afford to compete, but that the players he put on the White Sox were the foundation for the present team. “There’s always someone down the line, someone who’s no brighter than Don Quixote.”

18:20Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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