Video Communication Unit

A video letter from Doug Michels to Tom Weinberg documenting the Ant Farm's tour of Australia. It begins with an onscreen introduction by Doug Michels and includes several appearances on Australian television shows, including some outrageous behavior.

0:00Copy video clip URL Color bars.

0:45Copy video clip URL “Dear Tom, This video letter is being transmitted to you today live from Honolulu, Hawaii. Ahloaha [sic] . Switch your TV to talking head. Score”

3:17Copy video clip URL Doug Michels presses on TV screen trying to see Chicago and talk to Tom. Workers try to get teleportation chamber to work right.

5:00Copy video clip URL Title: Interspecies Communication: Dolphin Embassy Press Conference.

6:16Copy video clip URL Doug Michels and Doug Hurr hold a press conference about their plans for a dolphin embassy, using video feedback to develop a “soft edged” communication system with dolphins.

13:18Copy video clip URL Please Stand by for World Television Part I: The Artistic Kangaroo (played by Curtis Schreier).

14:00Copy video clip URL Keep Australia Beautiful commercial.

14:30Copy video clip URL Australian newscaster gives report about Ant Farm in Australia.

14:50Copy video clip URL Australian reporter talks about Ant Farm’s philosophy, and is cut off.

15:21Copy video clip URL Talk show host introduces Ant Farm to the show. He asks about Cadillac Ranch.

16:05Copy video clip URL Doug Michels corrects the interviewer, saying that the events staged by Ant Farm are “Media Events,” not “Happenings.”

16:15Copy video clip URL Doug Hurr member describes “surveillance pet.” Curtis Schreier dressed as Kangaroo sits quietly. Doug Michels explains the meaning of the kangaroo, saying, “The image is the content, and “It’s hard to tell when he does something.”

17:49Copy video clip URL Host signs off and kangaroo-member hops away.

18:32Copy video clip URL Advertisement for Player’s No.6 cigarettes.

19:30Copy video clip URL “The Mike Walsh Show.” He introduces Ant Farm guests.

20:39Copy video clip URL Doug Michels shows hats designed by Ant Farm, made from petrochemical byproducts, so they continually change colors.

21:49Copy video clip URL Schreier introduces technological pet, Ajax, and host signs off.

23:20Copy video clip URL Commercial for Holeproof Underdaks.

23:47Copy video clip URL “Eleven AM” show. Host introduces Ant Farm. Host is wearing one of the Ant Farm hats.

24:30Copy video clip URL Michels and Hurr introduce the kangaroo, talk about “stacking the audience with 1000 laughing hyenas,” show the children’s toy Uncle Milton’s Ant Farm.

26:02Copy video clip URL Commercial for HMV.

26:46Copy video clip URL Ant Farm presents “Ned Telly and the Golden Spanner,” “the future primitive image outlaw” with a “golden spanner of deconstruction.” A media event in one act.

27:45Copy video clip URL Michels explains Ant Farm’s reasons for “deconstructing” an important Australian Bridge. “It will be a great way for you Australians to ease in to the post-industrial era.”

28:35Copy video clip URL Michels says that future of energy based on nuclear power and other dangerous sources is “a laughing death mask.” Ant Farm represents a philosophy of continuation of life on Earth in a better way.

29:23Copy video clip URL Michels: “We’re just artists. We’re just artists reflecting our times.” Bridge seems to fall.

29:48Copy video clip URL “Time Magazine” commercial. Opinion poll on Carter’s chances of beating Ford.

30:10Copy video clip URL Doug Michels pressing up on screen trying to talk to Tom, saying “Aloha” a few more times.

31:26Copy video clip URL End.



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