Video News Intersection Sampler

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Sampler tape of documentaries produced by Tom Weinberg and Scott Jacobs in the 1970s. All are excerpts from longer pieces.

0:00 Bars and tone.

0:11 The Taxi Tape. Tom Weinberg driving taxi with Frank Sinatra music over. Picks up passenger. He jokes with them and does impressions. Image is way too dark to see anything.

2:35 It ‘s a Living. 1975. Lovin’ Al – Alfred Pommier. He talks about his job as a parking lot attendant and gets the lot ready to start the day.

3:38 Election Day 1976. Man talks about shady Chicago politics. He claims that every election time, the precinct captain hands out money for votes. Some video problems.

5:57 Who’s the Champ? (also called Golden Gloves). 1977. Boxing match. We talk to the winner afterwards. Bad audio. He shows us his medal and celebrates.

7:57 Boxer shining shoes. He says he doesn’t need that job because he’s going to be a champ. He eats lunch with Tom Weinberg.

9:51 Slices of Chicago. A couple kisses in the City Hall building before they separate into the County half and the City half, where they each work. The women then tells us about the different departments in the building and gives us a peek into how City Hall works. “Patronage workers work their ass off – trust me – it’s the civil service workers who sit on their ass” By Nick Despota and Scott Jacobs.

11:14 Inside Spring Training 1978. Audio very quiet even though levels look good. White Sox player Thad Bosley practices batting.

13:00 End of tape.



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