A Bill Veeck compilation of stills, music, and raw footage of Wrigley Field (with time code).
00:04Copy video clip URL Shot of a photograph of young Veeck with Chicago Cub player.
1:02Copy video clip URL Close up of same photograph.
1:51Copy video clip URL Shot of Veeck’s father (?)
2:23Copy video clip URL Veeck putting a fake mustache on someone wearing a sombrero.
3:00Copy video clip URL Veeck and Mary Frances behind the desk of a WGN show.
2:24Copy video clip URL Veeck in front of a sign for the “1948 Champs” with team behind him.
3:36Copy video clip URL Veeck throwing a baseball.
4:46Copy video clip URL Veeck shaking hands with another owner (?).
5:09Copy video clip URL Shot of a picture of a clay figurine of Veeck, in color.
5:33Copy video clip URL Shot of a picture of someone in a crowd holding a sign: “Shall we yank him?” Zoom out, audience holding various Yes/No signs in response. Presumably for a game show.
6:49Copy video clip URL Static.
6:53Copy video clip URL Veeck in Marine uniform.
7:25Copy video clip URL Veeck on the telephone.
7:51Copy video clip URL People putting the ivy on the Wrigley Field brick.
9:06Copy video clip URL Close-up of a baseball. Zoom out to show that the baseball is part of a large statue; a man is close to touch the statue. Presumably one of Veeck’s “crowd-pleasers.”
9:51Copy video clip URL Photograph of crowd at a baseball game–one man in a fedora and coat is focused on.
10:29Copy video clip URL Aerial photograph of Wrigley Field.
11:12Copy video clip URL Two photographs looking down from top of the stadium onto Wrigley Field.
11:47Copy video clip URL Older Veeck getting receiving keys.
13:10Copy video clip URL Static.
13:18Copy video clip URL Same photograph of large baseball statue.
14:25Copy video clip URL Same photograph of audience with the Yes/No signs.
16:10Copy video clip URL Static
16:25Copy video clip URL Open to image of a WTTW camera, monotone sound comes in. First audio of tape.
16:45Copy video clip URL Music plays over image.
19:34Copy video clip URL Music ends. Song is heard rewinding. Replays.
27:00Copy video clip URL New song begins–“When You’re Smiling.”
29:50Copy video clip URL Song ends. New song begins and abruptly ends.
30:11Copy video clip URL A different song begins.
34:51Copy video clip URL Song ends.
35:12Copy video clip URL Cut to footage of Wrigley Field’s vines during a game. Audio of crowd.
39:21Copy video clip URL Shot of scoreboard and crowd.
42:24Copy video clip URL Close up of vines.
45:33Copy video clip URL Another shot of the scoreboard.
46:17Copy video clip URL Shot of crowd.
51:12Copy video clip URL Shot of beer vendor in the stands.
53:00Copy video clip URL End of tape. Tape begins to rewind inside of the camera.
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