Raw video shot for "Voices of Cabrini." Shot between 1995-1999, it documented the Cabrini Green redevelopment project proposed and carried out by the City of Chicago. This video features interviews with several Gold Coast residents and visitors. The video also records the Chicago sky line and building development on the Gold Coast.
0:20Copy video clip URL Well dressed man standing in the street. Crew sets up for an interview.
1:07Copy video clip URL Andrew Yinger introduces himself. He’s lived in the Cabrini area for roughly 2 years: “We’re in a five bedroom, 4,000 square foot house down on Mohawk street…we still hear a lot of the riff-raff and see a lot of the riff-raff…” He describes the new phase of development in the area.
3:07Copy video clip URL Yinger discusses “upping the market value” of the property in the area by either razing large, vacant buildings or building up on empty lots.
4:02Copy video clip URL Yinger about Cabrini: “I know about its notorious reputation. I know they’ve taken down one of the buildings…legally they can’t evict a lot of people…in the next five to ten years they’ll all be down and there will be things in their place…it’s a pretty horrible existence, though, whether or not they put up another project…I think it should definitely come down….” He talks about the shift from CHA police to CPD two weeks earlier.
6:32Copy video clip URL Yinger: “What attracted us initially was the investment potential for the house we’re in…two years ago coming in everyone told us what was gonna happen…in fact it is the case, but we were about five years out of the loop…we’re moving out now for economic reasons.”
7:45Copy video clip URL Yinger notes that he’s never been in Cabrini, but that he’s used to living near rough neighborhoods.
9:15Copy video clip URL Shot of Yinger walking away.
9:54Copy video clip URL Same shot a few hours later.
10:24Copy video clip URL Another shot a few hours later. Long shot of one of the Cabrini buildings.
11:18Copy video clip URL Close up of the “Cleveland Court” redevelopment sign advertising luxury housing. Zoom out to reveal the same intersection.
12:27Copy video clip URL Another long shot of the building. Several more shots.
14:22Copy video clip URL Close up of a “50% Sold!” sign. Close up of the “Cleveland Court” sign.
14:48Copy video clip URL Shot of a stoop.
15:10Copy video clip URL Various shots of new housing mid-construction, with a Cabrini apartment in the background. Several takes zooming out from Cabrini to the new housing.
17:43Copy video clip URL Cut to a woman pushing her baby in a stroller. Pan over to show foundations mid-construction and the Chicago skyline.
18:31Copy video clip URL Cut to three young boys trying to climb over a construction fence.
18:55Copy video clip URL Cut to a stoop with laundry hanging between posts. Zoom out to show skyline.
19:12Copy video clip URL Cut to construction site. Boys run through it. Cars drive past.
20:25Copy video clip URL Cut to train passing by, pan right to show Sears Tower and then a Cabrini building. Several mores takes of this.
21:48Copy video clip URL Cut to an interview with a blond woman resident. About the development: “I think it’s great!” She’s lived there a year and a half and doesn’t spend much time near Cabrini. She describes the Gold Coast moving toward Cabrini.
25:28Copy video clip URL Woman: “This is a great place to buy your first condo.” She talks about taking cabs and being street smart.
27:54Copy video clip URL Cut to a shot of the street and then a pan to show Cabrini row houses and a high rise. Multiple takes of this shot. One includes a horse-and-buggy.
29:01Copy video clip URL Cut to a teenage boy, Alfonso, holding a stack of candy that he is selling for his school. He hasn’t noticed many changes in the area: “I like the people here. They’re nice…some are bad, but the majority of them are nice.” He describes when gang members tried to steal his bike.
31:12Copy video clip URL Alfonso: “[Cabrini] are the worst projects there are…there’s just more killing there.”
36:15Copy video clip URL End of tape.
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