[Voices of Cabrini raw #202]

This tape features footage gathered for the documentary "Voices of Cabrini." Filmed between 1995-1999, the footage documents the Cabrini Green redevelopment project proposed and carried through by the city of Chicago. The video features tours of 1150-1160 N. Sedgwick Avenue and video from inside the Robert E. Byrd Academy.

0:07Copy video clip URL Color bars.

1:17Copy video clip URL Mark Pratt standing outside the gates of Cabrini-Green, a vacant building in the background: “This is the future of Cabrini.”

3:12Copy video clip URL Walking down Division Avenue with Mark Pratt. Two men cross Clybourn Avenue. Video of the church behind them.

3:49Copy video clip URL Pratt differentiates between red brick buildings (Cabrini) and white brick (Green). He talks about the new homes built down Division Avenue. He walks past the new mixed-income housing.

7:03Copy video clip URL Pratt talks about whether black people moved into any of the buildings.

9:49Copy video clip URL Interview with someone who just moved into the buildings. Pratt asks him whether any black people moved in. He points to the house behind him.

11:13Copy video clip URL Bezalel tries to convince Pratt to start knocking on doors.

11:53Copy video clip URL Cut to black. Pratt is outside one of the buildings. Shot of a Chicago Police Department van parked in the parking lot. Various shots of the buildings. He tours the former pool.

14:26Copy video clip URL Shot from within one of the galleries (open air hallways). Graffiti. Still shot of the graffiti. Several more still shots of graffiti.

15:36Copy video clip URL Shot of a gallery and the broken door frame of an apartment. Shot looking out of the gallery through a chain-link fence. More still shots of graffiti.

16:31Copy video clip URL Shot of the interior of an apartment. Shot of a derelict stove.

17:15Copy video clip URL Shot from the courtyard outside a building. Panning over the grounds.

17:48Copy video clip URL Shot of people leaving a school bus and entering a building.

18:03Copy video clip URL Pratt outside Richard E. Byrd Academy. Shot of children playing basketball.

21:54Copy video clip URL Pratt outside the school bus.

24:03Copy video clip URL Back to children playing basketball.

24:39Copy video clip URL Interview with children playing basketball. Bezalel asks one of the boys to describe Robert Byrd Academy.

25:12Copy video clip URL Children move back onto the bus.

26:25Copy video clip URL Cut to children jump roping.

29:42Copy video clip URL Cut to children outside school. A small group of children introduce themselves. Adults try to shepherd the children inside.

33:21Copy video clip URL Pratt inside a schoolroom. Children read quietly .

35:45Copy video clip URL Pratt asks students questions about reading material. Pratt reads from a lesson book. Students answer questions and work on their assignment.

45:55Copy video clip URL Inside the lunchroom cafeteria. Video is fast-forwarded through the recording.

46:39Copy video clip URL Video at normal speed. Audio comes back in. Students eat their lunches.

49:45Copy video clip URL Cut to a man, Mr. Hepburn, speaking to a group of young children. He applauds the children for their show of respect. They have a playful call-and-response. “Wherever you go I want you to remember you’re part of a community of leaders…”

52:44Copy video clip URL Cut to the side of one of the Cabrini buildings. Close-up of an “MCL Companies” development sign advertising retail space.

55:35Copy video clip URL Cut to another development sign. An El train runs in the background.

56:07Copy video clip URL Shot of a man walking through a lot.

56:20Copy video clip URL Long shot of a Cabrini building from across the street. Pan right to show more empty space until the camera finds an “Old Town Square” development sign. Several more attempts at this shot.

1:01:19Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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