[Voices of Cabrini raw: archival photos]

Footage for the documentary "Voices of Cabrini." Shot between 1995-1999, it documented the Cabrini Green redevelopment project proposed and carried out by the city of Chicago. This tape is compiled of archival photos. Towards the end of the tape, director Ronit Bezalel receives a haircut from George Robbins in his brand new barber shop.

0:00Copy video clip URL Static.

0:04Copy video clip URL Color bars.

0:20Copy video clip URL Photograph of a press conference and speech for the Chicago Housing Authority.

2:08Copy video clip URL Photograph of two young children standing next to a corner of a concrete building.

2:55Copy video clip URL Photograph of a meeting. A group of young adults sitting and standing.

4:06Copy video clip URL Black.

4:18Copy video clip URL Aerial photograph of CHA housing.

6:59Copy video clip URL Photograph of children playing on top of a dirt pile.

7:31Copy video clip URL Photograph of children sitting in the front yard of an apartment building.

8:21Copy video clip URL Photograph of a small exchange shop in Cabrini: “The New Cabrini Extension.”

10:06Copy video clip URL Photograph of children and young adults cleaning the facade of a CHA building.

10:57Copy video clip URL Photograph of rubble and row houses that predate the Cabrini buildings.

11:55Copy video clip URL Photograph of industrialized area and workers’ row houses.

12:22Copy video clip URL Photograph of a series of apartment stoops.

12:44Copy video clip URL Photograph of laborers spooling hoses on a construction site.

13:51Copy video clip URL Photograph of apartments and worker housing.

14:39Copy video clip URL Photograph of an empty lot and workers on top of a building. There appears to be a fire in front of the building.

15:28Copy video clip URL Photograph of the inside of an old apartment. Interior is sparse: Broken sink, couch, and a wood/coal burning stove.

16:26Copy video clip URL Another interior of old row housing. Most of the wallpaper is torn off the walls.

16:57Copy video clip URL Photograph of a brick church next to a three story wood building.

17:11Copy video clip URL Photograph of a lot filled with rubble and trash.

17:34Copy video clip URL Photograph of a sidewalk with brick row housing. Laundry hangs on rails over the walkway to a basement apartment.

18:11Copy video clip URL Photograph of a street. There appears a four story brick building, storefronts, and the el tracks in the distance. The air is foggy/smoggy.

18:39Copy video clip URL Photograph of children running in an unpaved alley. They run past a line of metal trash barrels. One reads: “La Bella Italia Pasta.”

19:44Copy video clip URL Photograph of Mayor Richard J. Daley shaking hands with a constituent.

20:35Copy video clip URL Photograph of four men holding a flag for the Chicago Housing Authority.

21:02Copy video clip URL Photograph of Mayor Richard J. Daley handing over a plaque/certificate.

21:30Copy video clip URL Photograph of a game of tug of war.

21:57Copy video clip URL Photograph of the opposing side from the same game.

22:33Copy video clip URL Photograph of a different game of tug of war between a boy scout troop.

22:56Copy video clip URL Photograph from the same game.

22:51Copy video clip URL Photograph of a group of men holding two Chicago Housing Authority flags.

24:06Copy video clip URL Photograph of an arm wrestling match between a teenager and Fred Hampton (?)

24:52Copy video clip URL Photograph of a live stage theater performance.

25:39Copy video clip URL Photograph of a young boys waiting in line to jump into a swimming pool.

26:22Copy video clip URL Photograph of a man diving into the swimming pool.

26:57Copy video clip URL Photograph inside a doctor’s office. Doctor inspects a toddler, who lays on a small table, while the toddler’s mother, father, and brother stand over him.

27:29Copy video clip URL Photograph from inside a meeting room. It appears that two nurses are giving an instructional presentation to coworkers.

27:59Copy video clip URL Photograph of a derelict bathroom.

28:16Copy video clip URL Photograph of the April 19, 1994 Chicago Sun Times. Headline reads: “Daley: Transfer CHA Residents to Suburbs.”

28:38Copy video clip URL Photograph of the February 2, 1992 Chicago Tribune. Headline reads: “CHA aim: Make Cabrini ‘a normal neighborhood.'”

29:00Copy video clip URL Photograph of an article in the Chicago Tribune. Headline reads: “Cabrini-Green Begins a New Era.”

29:25Copy video clip URL Photograph of a newspaper clipping: “CHA May Demolish 4 Cabrini Buildings.”

29:55Copy video clip URL Photograph from a newspaper article by Maudlyne Ihejirika: “Lane Pushes Plan for Leases to Developers.”

30:30Copy video clip URL Newspaper diagram of “Possible Razing or Rehab” of Cabrini Green.

30:58Copy video clip URL April 2, 1993 Chicago Tribune article by Tom McPheron, called: “Cabrini residents may get suburban option.”

32:10Copy video clip URL April 1993 article from the Chicago Tribune: “CHA May Relocate Families to Suburbs.”

32:26Copy video clip URL Photograph of workers building the structure and laying concrete of a Cabrini building.

32:48Copy video clip URL Photograph of a pile of metal trashcans in front of a CHA housing complex.

33:07Copy video clip URL Photograph of four children trying on baseball equipment next to two professionals. It appears the children have been given new equipment by CHA/the professionals. Another group of men stand around them.

33:38Copy video clip URL Photograph from within a dance studio. A group of young women learn a choreography.

34:23Copy video clip URL Photograph of a lot filled with rubble in an industrial area.

34:42Copy video clip URL Aerial photograph of industrial construction.

35:02Copy video clip URL Another photograph of industrial construction. It is unclear whether Cabrini is being built or its predecessors.

35:20Copy video clip URL Photograph from within a construction site. A laborer is photographed moving bricks outside a building with signage: “S.M. Nielson Company Contractors.”

36:05Copy video clip URL Photograph of an empty lot surrounded by old apartment housing.

36:46Copy video clip URL Photograph of bulldozer and truck tracks beside elevated train tracks.

37:06Copy video clip URL Photograph of the same subject, except taken from a greater distance. The photograph shows the el tracks entering the loop through the space between two buildings.

37:27Copy video clip URL Same photograph of industrial construction from two minutes ago.

37:48Copy video clip URL Photograph of laborers stripping the roof off a brick building.

38:19Copy video clip URL Photograph of an older laborer mortaring together a brick wall.

38:59Copy video clip URL Photograph of more laborers building a brick wall.

39:23Copy video clip URL Photograph of four men clearing the ground for a future foundation. There is heavy machinery in the background.

39:48Copy video clip URL Cut to black.

40:21Copy video clip URL Cut to a group of children playing with a bicycle and several plastic bags filled with clothing. Cut to black.

40:34Copy video clip URL Bezalel records narration for “Voices of Cabrini”: “Cabrini Green was built in the mid 1900s as part of a trend to create low income public housing in Chicago. High rise developments were built throughout the city. They were known as the projects. At its peak, Cabrini Green was home to 15,000 residents and 23 high rises and many low rises. Cabrini Green became surrounded by some of the most expensive real estate in Chicago, including the Gold Coast–Chicago’s most affluent neighborhood. In 1996, the City of Chicago announced a plan to demolish the Cabrini Green high rises and replace them with low rises in a new, mixed-income community. Many Cabrini residents want better housing, but oppose the plan, fearing they won’t be included in the new development.”

41:39Copy video clip URL “Despite residents’ protests, the City of Chicago continued with their plan to demolish the buildings…Many residents feel that the city is only now paying attention to Cabrini Green, because the land is valuable, when it allowed the Cabrini Green to decline until something like this happened.

42:14Copy video clip URL Cut to Bezalel in George Robbins’s barber shop. She gets “just a trim.”

46:03Copy video clip URL Bezalel asks Robbins how he likes his new shop and whether his old customers go to his new shop. He likes his new place and, indeed, his old customers return. Bezalel then asks him whether he misses anything about the old store. Robbins: “After being in one spot for so long it can become a part of you…but this is such a fulfillment of my dream that I can do without the old one.”

50:42Copy video clip URL Bezalel asks again what he misses about his old place adjacent to Cabrini Green (he had to relocate). Robbins: “I guess just seeing all the familiar faces…the people you see every day…I miss those. But being here and just having a nice, modern place you can be proud of…” They continue to chit chat.

59:12Copy video clip URL Bezalel puts her glasses on and admires her new haircut. She seems quite pleased. Robbins gives her the haircut on the house. They chit chat and discuss being self-conscious on television.

1:04:10Copy video clip URL Tape rewinds.

1:04:12Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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