Footage for the documentary "Voices of Cabrini." Shot between 1995-1999, it documented the Cabrini Green redevelopment project proposed and carried out by the city of Chicago. This tape features footage of what used to be Robbins Barber Shop on Division Street. A team of construction workers has already demolished it and is cleaning up the area. This is followed by footage of a few news stories on the Cabrini Green neighborhood. Towards the ends of the tape, there is footage from inside Robbins Barbershop before it was torn down.
00:00Copy video clip URL A bulldozer clears rubble where Robbins Barber Shop once stood. The filmmaker gets several different shots of the construction workers tearing the area down.
18:53Copy video clip URL Cut several news stories on the Cabrini Green gentrification. One story contains footage from community activist Marion Stamps’ funeral in Cabrini Green. This lasts for several minutes.
37:56Copy video clip URL Cut to one of the filmmakers recording some voiceover narration. This lasts for several minutes.
48:00Copy video clip URL Cut to inside Robbins Barber shop on Division Street in Cabrini Green. George Robbins and two customers heatedly debate over who and what serves as the best proponent for unity in the black community. They later debate about the importance of voting in America. They also claim that the U.S. government imports illegal drugs into the country.
01:00:39Copy video clip URL Tape ends.
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