[Voices of Cabrini raw: Town Hall meeting]

This tape features footage gathered for the documentary "Voices of Cabrini." Filmed between 1995-1999, the footage documents the Cabrini Green redevelopment project proposed and carried through by the city of Chicago. This video contains footage from a town hall meeting and television news stories on the Cabrini redevelopment.

00:00Copy video clip URL U.S. Representative Bobby Rush comments on Cabrini Green’s high property value. He talks about his relationship to the neighborhood. Dan McClaine, developer, “we are against being dictated how our community will develop…”

07:10Copy video clip URL Pandora Meadows talks about being the only tenant in a high rise (offscreen).

09:10Copy video clip URL Ricky Hendon comments on neighborhood development: “They want you to be homeless, period…”

10:54Copy video clip URL Cut to shots of town hall attendees, including Marion Stamps. Speaker at the podium talks about the black agenda.

11:38Copy video clip URL Marion Stamps comments on Meadows problems: “The reason you’re still in that building, is because you know…them brothers got your back.” Audio/video comes in and out. “There’s work to be done, there’s a role we can all play if we listen…This is not a Cabrini Green fight, it’s a black fight.”

16:53Copy video clip URL Stamps: “Coming soon, Single Family Homes. Starting Price: $350,000.” She continues: “You got to go back to your building, get involved in building council so she can keep you informed…you call Richard Daley’s office tomorrow and you tell him that ‘I am a resident of Cabrini Green and we ain’t goin’ nowhere, we don’t support your plan…'” She also suggests calling CHA president Joseph Schulderin and congressional representatives: “All of us got a role to play, and if you do what you gotta do the rest will be taken care of…”

18:15Copy video clip URL Cut to John McCarron, a Chicago Tribune reporter who wrote critical essay on Cabrini’s problems. He discusses the city’s chance to remake public housing. McCarron: “I’m not sure I’d call it a right to decide what happens, because we live in a situation where rights come with ownership…They don’t have the right to tell the owner what they’re going to do with their property…I think if you talk very carefully with people in Cabrini Green you come away with a sense of people who haven’t been on a bus in a long time, haven’t been to the loop in a long time, the isolating ability of public housing, especially for mothers, is not to be believed…”

21:34Copy video clip URL McCarron: “Cabrini Green is probably the best chance the city will ever have to undo the worst mistake it ever made, which is high-rise public housing. Cabrini could be the first time that public housing in Chicago was remade in such a way that a large number, if not the majority of people there, could remain proximate to where they lived, and have that community transformed into a mixed income community…”

22:46Copy video clip URL Cut to a fire at 1150-1160 N Sedgwick. Smoke billows out of open windows. Police and fire department are at the scene.

24:21Copy video clip URL Long shot of an apartment complex, 500-502 W. Oak st.

24:56Copy video clip URL Cut to a group of children standing outside the Sedgwick building. They talk about Dantrell Davis, who was a seven year old boy shot and killed by gang crossfire in October 1992. They talk about the changes to the area after the murder: “They’re going to tear all the projects down…to build condos, everybody knows that.”

30:12Copy video clip URL Interviewers asks the boys: “What’s good about Cabrini?” They chime together: “Nothing. The only thing good about it is, I don’t know, nothing.” They talk about vandalism in the buildings.

33:37Copy video clip URL Cameraman asks them to describe where they live. One of the boys, “Tupac,” is upset, because he thought he was going to be on the cable news. The boys get restless. Sylvester describes the playground that used to exist where they’re standing. Tape goes to static.

35:40Copy video clip URL Back to Sylvester. They walk to a car and talk about the building that used to stand on the lot. They recount the story of Dantrell Davis’s murder. They talk about how difficult it is living in place with so much gunfire and drug use. The boys run off.

40:12Copy video clip URL Cut to helicopter footage from a Channel 7 news story on gentrification. Several interviews between Andy Shaw, a news correspondent, and Cabrini residents. Footage of Mayor Richard M. Daley: “Let me be absolutely clear about this: Every family that wants to stay in the community, will stay in this community regardless of their income or age.” Several aerial shots from a helicopter.

43:39Copy video clip URL Cut to Channel 5 coverage of Marion Stamps’s death and funeral. Video of funeral procession down Orleans Street. A segment with Alderman Walter Burnett reading a condolence letter from Mayor Daley, and then Eddie Reed (Chicago Black United Front) and lambasting Daley and Daley’s letter at the services.

45:15Copy video clip URL Various news stories about Cabrini. Edith Bonsonto at a press conference; drug raids.

47:42Copy video clip URL Static.

47:44Copy video clip URL Brief interlude from a news cast.

47:48Copy video clip URL Back to static.

48:02Copy video clip URL End of tape.



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